Air & Climate

Climate Change Report

We're looking at the business impact of climate change.


Working for Cleaner Air: Dr. Harendra S. Gandhi

Through his work at Ford, Dr. Gandhi has helped make the air we breathe cleaner.

Ford Dagenham's Eco-Efficient Vision Pays Off

Producing diesel engines at our wind-powered Dagenham plant is saving 6,500 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) from entering the atmosphere and diverting over 12,600 tons from being sent to a landfill.

Cleaner Manufacturing

By harnessing innovative technologies, we're building cleaner manufacturing facilities.

Lima Stays Cool at Lower Cost

An innovative geothermal cooling project uses 40-degree quarry water to chill the plant's air.

Soy-Based Foam

Replacing petroleum-based materials with soy-based materials helps lessen our dependence on foreign oil.

Midwest Ethanol Corridor

We've partnered with VeraSun Energy to expand the availability of E85 ethanol fuel.

Fairlane Green

We redeveloped a landfill into a sustainable development for retail and recreational use.