New Paint Process Eliminates Source of VOC Emissions and Hazardous Waste at Kentucky Truck Plant
In 2007, Ford's Kentucky Truck Plant implemented an innovative new paint process that eliminates both a source of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions and a hazardous waste stream from the facility...
Ford is working with Tier 1 information technology suppliers to improve the energy efficiency of its data centers and reduce the carbon footprint of its corporate facilities...
Ford Releases First Greenhouse Gas Emissions Report for its Philippines Operations
In 2006, Ford became the first automaker to join the Philippines Greenhouse Gas Accounting and Reporting Program, or PhilGARP...
Ford's Fairlane Green Earns LEED Gold and Phoenix Awards for Sustainable Redevelopmenet
Ford Land's Fairlane Green development is a 243-acre retail and recreational center built over a Ford-owned landfill in Allen Park, Michigan featuring many innovative "firsts" that set it apart from traditional retail and brownfield developments.
Ford's Dagenham Plant Earns Award for Environmental Performance and Innovation
Dagenham Engine Plant has been a leader in green manufacturing since it was built in 2004. In 2007, the Dagenham facility was recognized for this leadership by receiving a national "Award for Excellence" from a UK organization called Business in the Community...