Colin Braun Leads Rookie of the Year title; Seeks First Win in Truck Series.

COLIN BRAUN – No. 6 Con-way Freight Ford F-150 – ONE OF YOUR GOALS FOR THIS YEAR WAS TO WIN A RACE.  “Yeah, absolutely.  I think anybody’s goal is to obviously win a race.  To step into this No. 6 Con-way Freight Ford F-150 truck that Travis Kvapil drove the year before and won three races in [Kvapil won four races in 2007] is certainly a proven fast truck.  I’m sure you mean a rookie hasn’t won a race for Roush in a while.  I guess we had two guys [rookie drivers] win races already this year with Scott Speed and Donny Lia, there this year.  I’d love to win a race.  I think right now we’re in a position where there’s not a whole lot of people competing for this rookie of the year deal, so we’ve just got to keep finishing top-10s, top-fives and things like that and bring home our trucks in one piece and just have good results, learn a lot.  I’ve run a few Nationwide races this year, so like you say, I’ve done a lot of races and got a chance to learn a lot this year and hopefully it comes together for us a little bit at the end of the season.”


YOU RAN IN THE ARCA RACE LAST YEAR.  “Yes, I ran an ARCA race last year.  It was my first ever stock car race. I guess doing my first ever stock car race here, it doesn’t seem like the same race track.  It seems like I come back here, after a year of stock car racing experience, it feels like a whole new race track to me.  I’m not sure it helped me out a whole lot driving that ARCA car here.  I guess I’ve done laps here before.”


HOW IS IT DIFFERENT? “It’s just that it was the first ever stock car race and I was just trying to hold on.  I was just trying to keep it going.  I did that.  It’s just totally different coming back here with all that experience.”


DO YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE OUT THERE? “Yeah, I feel comfortable.  It’s definitely a different race track for me.  I haven’t been to a whole lot of race tracks that are that much different on both ends, between one and two and three and four there.  Definitely, it takes a little bit of getting used to and I think your truck’s got to be set-up just a little bit different than it normally does.”

