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More green, less mean: Ford delivers tools for proper charging station etiquette

Chances are pretty good that charging stations soon are going to be part of your life in one way, shape or form (if they aren’t already). Whether you depend on them for fuel to get from point A to point B or you’re simply curious about those odd-looking devices near the best parking spots in the lot, you’re going to see even more charging stations as companies such as Ford continue to increase their electrified offerings. Ford is launching five new electrified vehicles in 2012, including the all-new Fusion Hybrid. In late July, there were about 9,400 public charging stations in the U.S., located at fast food restaurants and coffee shops to the most cutting-edge businesses and universities.
But the one thing missing has been a proper guide to vehicle charging station etiquette – until now. Ford has prepared a short video on the basics of charging station etiquette, a reference guide to keep handy for dealing with plugged-in vehicles and a placard you can put to use right away as you charge ahead in your efforts to make the world a greener, less-meaner place.