Ford South America: Water

For many years, we have demonstrated our commitment to water issues primarily through our own operations, focusing on water efficiency, effluent quality and water reuse. We also are committed to moving beyond our own fences to address water issues within our communities of operation. We are working with stakeholders to better understand issues around water accessibility and sanitation in water-stressed communities especially.

We are committed to mobilizing opportunities for communities in the developing world through clean water. We’re investing in community water stewardship projects around the world, especially in areas where access to potable water is limited. Projects vary by location.

Ford unveiled its global sustainability programs goals for the coming years, with significant reductions in the consumption of water and energy. Several initiatives are being developed in the Company’s factories in South America to meet these goals.

In Brazil in the last five years, we achieved a 23 percent reduction in absolute water consumption and 16 percent reduction per vehicle produced, representing a total of 307 million liters of water.

At our Camaçari plant (in Bahia state), we have wetlands where wastewater is purified in a rice and papyrus plantation. This method treats more than 11,352 m3 liters of water per year. After passing through the filtering process, the facility reuses the treated water to irrigate the green areas of the complex. Ford was the first automotive industry in Brazil to have this system of soil filtration.

For a discussion of our global commitment to water issues, please see the Water section.


Download Summary Report

Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

Visit our Downloads page for this report in full or as separate sections along with supplementary publications.