
A. Working Conditions Training and Assessment Status for Supply Chain

Working Conditions Assessments (as of 12/31/12) Americas Asia Pacific and Africa Europe Global Total
Average violations per assessment 13.4 11.8 13.3 12.4
Assessments completed to date 257 484 70 811
Follow-up assessments completed to date (third party and/or internal) 371 514 98 983
Working Conditions Training (as of 12/31/12) Americas Asia Pacific and Africa Europe Global Total
Training sessions conducted to date 69 56 17 142
Total number of attending companies 846 903 343 2,092
Total number of trained managers (attendees) 1,478 940 342 2,760
Working Conditions Training (Scope of Impact: Supplier-Submitted Data as of 12/31/12) Global Total
Training cascade to management, individuals trained 24,965
Training cascade to workforce, individuals trained 430,257
Communication to suppliers, number of sub-tier companies 84,710

Notes to Data

Prior-year ‘Assessments completed to date’ figures reflect calculation errors in deriving totals. These errors have been corrected for 2012; however, certain figures may be slightly lower than in prior years due to the calculation corrections.

B. Total Purchases from Minority-owned Businesses – United States

$ billion

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
4.2 3.3 2.7 3.8 5.1 5.7

Notes to Data

From 2003 to 2007, purchases from non-minority, women-owned businesses were included within total purchases from all minority suppliers. Beginning in 2008, we provided separate data for women-owned businesses, which accounted in part for the reduced amount of purchases in 2008.


In 2012, Ford purchased $5.7 billion in goods and services from approximately 250 minority-owned suppliers and $1.2 billion in goods and services from more than 150 women-owned businesses. Our 2012 results demonstrated the third consecutive year of improvement and exceeded our sourcing goals for both minority- and women-owned suppliers.

C. Total Purchases from Women-owned Businesses – United States

$ billion

2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
0.763 0.539 0.866 1.06 1.2

Notes to Data

From 2003 to 2007, purchases from non-minority, women-owned businesses were included within total purchases from all minority suppliers. In 2008, we began breaking out separate data for purchases from non-minority, women-owned businesses.


In 2012, Ford purchased $5.7 billion in goods and services from approximately 250 minority-owned suppliers and $1.2 billion in goods and services from more than 150 women-owned businesses. Our 2012 results demonstrated the third consecutive year of improvement and exceeded our sourcing goals for both minority- and women-owned suppliers.


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Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

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