Expanding Impact on Our Supply Chain

The graphic below illustrates how we are working toward our vision using a three-pronged approach to expand our impact throughout our supply chain and the industry as a whole. We work on multiple levels to increase the impact of our efforts.

Initially, we focused on working toward our sustainability vision within our own operations. For example, we began our work on human rights and working conditions by developing our own code of conduct for these issues, training our own workforce and assessing our own facilities. But we also work to push our goals and vision throughout our supply chain by collaborating with other manufacturers in the industry and working with our suppliers. We work with others in our industry to develop common expectations and guidance for suppliers and to provide consistent training. All of our direct (Tier 1) suppliers are subject to our Global Terms and Conditions, which require that both our own suppliers and their sub-tier suppliers meet specific sustainability expectations. We also provide training to our Tier 1 suppliers to build their capability to manage sustainability issues, and we require that they cascade the training to their own suppliers. And, we perform assessments of supplier facilities to ensure compliance.

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Ford Motor Company


  • 2003: Code of Basic Working Conditions introduced
  • 2003: Internal facility working condition assessments begin
  • 2007: Ford adds commitments on community engagement and indigenous populations, bribery and corruption and environment to Code and makes it a formal Policy Letter
  • 2009: Ford begins road testing WRI/WBCSD Scope 3 emissions protocol
  • 2010: Ford begins raw materials supply chain transparency analysis
  • 2010: Ford surveys 35 suppliers on GHG emissions
  • 2010: Ford completes road testing of WRI/WBCSD Scope 3 emissions protocol
  • 2011: Ford begins OECD conflict minerals due diligence process
  • 2011: Ford asks suppliers to begin reporting conflict minerals
  • 2011: Ford expands supplier GHG survey to 128 suppliers
  • 2012: Ford renames Code of Human Rights, Basic Working Conditions, and Corporate Responsibility reflecting additional content additions
  • 2012: Ford expands conflict mineral tracking with specific data survey
  • 2012: Ford expands supplier GHG survey to 135 suppliers
  • 2013: Ford plans preliminary report on conflict minerals


Industry Collaboration

  • 2005: Ford initiates industry work group on working conditions and human rights
  • 2006: Joint industry, AIAG-led supplier trainings begin in select countries
  • 2007: Joint industry supplier trainings continue
  • 2010: Joint industry supplier trainings continue
  • 2010: Ford helps form AIAG industry work group on conflict minerals
  • 2010: Ford helps develop AIAG supplier GHG survey tool
  • 2011: Joint industry supplier trainings continue
  • 2011: Ford joins the Public Private Alliance for Responsible Minerals Trade (PPA) Governance Committee
  • 2012: Joint industry supplier training content expanded to include ethical business practices and environmental sustainability
  • 2012: Ford helps develop conflict mineral and smelter information collection tool with AIAG
  • 2013: Joint industry supplier trainings continue

Supply Chain

Tier 1 Suppliers

  • 2004: Sustainability requirements added to production supplier contracts
  • 2004: Supplier facility working conditions assessments begin
  • 2004: Ford supplier working conditions training begins
  • 2005: Sustainability requirements added to non-production supplier contracts
  • 2005: Supplier facility assessments continue
  • 2006: Supplier facility assessments continue
  • 2006: Ford helps suppliers build management capacity on human rights issues
  • 2007: Ford adds sustainability management expectations to Aligned Business Framework, for strategic suppliers
  • 2007: Supplier facility assessments continue
  • 2008: Supplier facility assessments continue
  • 2009: Supplier facility assessments continue
  • 2010: Supplier facility assessments continue
  • 2011: Supplier facility assessments continue
  • 2012: Supplier facility assessments continue
  • 2013: Supplier facility assessments continue

Tier 2 Suppliers

  • 2006: Ford requires suppliers to cascade working conditions training to their own supply chain
  • 2007: Ford influences sub-tier suppliers by working with ABF strategic suppliers to develop Codes of conduct and supporting management systems, including for sub-tier supply chain management

Tier 3 Suppliers

Tier N Suppliers


Download Summary Report

Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

Visit our Downloads page for this report in full or as separate sections along with supplementary publications.