
We strive to maintain strong and open relationships.

Our employees

Driving our Company’s success

  • ONE Ford

    Our ONE Ford plan provides consistent goals and expectations for employees.

  • Employee Satisfaction

    We encourage our employees to provide candid feedback in our annual survey of job satisfaction.

  • Engagement

    Keeping our employees engaged with our Company is an essential component of our people strategy.

  • Leadership Development

    We’re focused on developing a skilled and motivated team.

  • Diversity and Inclusion

    Our diversity makes us a better and a stronger Company.

Hiring and restructuring

Staffing our operations to meet capacity demands

  • North America

    We added more than 8,100 combined hourly and salaried jobs in 2012 in the U.S.

  • Europe

    In Europe, we made the difficult decision to close three facilities.

Health and safety

Emphasizing safety and well-being

  • Culture and Accountability

    We’re focused on changing workforce culture so safety is ingrained in all of our people.

  • Governance

    We have comprehensive governance systems for health and safety management.

  • Safety Record

    Overall, our 2012 safety record improved compared to 2011.

  • Good Health

    The continued good health of our workforce and their families remains a priority for Ford.


Supporting the communities in which we operate

  • Engagement

    We work to embed community issues into our core business practices and manage them with the same rigor as other aspects of our business.

  • Investment

    In 2012, Ford contributed a total of nearly $30.1 million (slightly above 2011) to community causes.


Working collaboratively with our dealers

  • Engagement

    Our active Dealer Council provides a forum for open dialogue between Dealer Council members and Ford.

  • Diversity and Inclusion

    At year-end 2012, Ford had 167 minority-owned dealerships, which represents 5.1 percent of our 3,286 U.S. dealerships.

  • Dealer Sustainability

    Through our “Go Green” Dealer Sustainability Program, we collaborate with dealers to implement cost-effective ways to improve the energy efficiency of their facilities.


Understanding the needs of our customers

  • Engagement

    Maintaining good relationships with our customers is one of our most important activities. We engage in regular two-way communication.

  • Customer Trends

    We monitor global market trends, shifting consumer interests, and social and political developments to identify issues that will likely affect our consumers, our industry and our Company.

  • Social Media

    Ford was the first automaker to reveal vehicles via social media and social gaming.

  • Awareness

    We’re seeking to improve consumers’ awareness of the Company’s excellent quality, safety, environmental and social performance.

Ford Motor Company operations affect a broad range of stakeholders. We believe that maintaining strong and open relationships with our employees, dealers, communities and customers plays an important role in our ability to meet our goals.

Positive relationships with employees and business partners help us to improve efficiencies, cost and quality, and allow us to develop and to innovate. Effective two-way communication with our customers, dealers and other stakeholders helps us to understand and deliver the products that customers want.

This section of our report focuses on the people who interact with our Company in different ways – the employees who work for us; the dealers who sell and lease our vehicles; the individuals who live and work in the broader communities in which we operate; and the customers who purchase our products. (Information on our suppliers can be found in the Supply Chain section. Information on our investors can be found on the Ford investor website.)


Download Summary Report

Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

Visit our Downloads page for this report in full or as separate sections along with supplementary publications.