Health and Safety Governance

We have comprehensive governance systems for health and safety management. Our overarching Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policy is established through a corporate Policy Letter and Directives. In addition, global OHS standards cover all health and safety topics, including safety, ergonomics, occupational hygiene, toxicology and clinical operations.

Often the most efficient and cost-effective way to reduce safety and ergonomic risks in the manufacturing process is to engineer them out upfront. Our global manufacturing engineering teams use the latest technology of “virtual manufacturing” to predict and eliminate risks during the design stage. We also have a global process to ensure that all materials used in our factories are safe for our people.

We review safety regularly at the plant level and in regional OHS committees. Our President and CEO and our senior operating team review safety performance as part of their regular business plan reviews, as does the global Manufacturing Operating Committee.

Within manufacturing we use an assessment process that is aligned with the Global Ford Production System. The process includes an integrated assessment that evaluates safety, quality, delivery, cost, people, maintenance and environmental operating systems, while recognizing their interdependencies.

Nonmanufacturing sites conduct yearly self-assessments of their OHS risks and performance. All sites must respond to a series of safety questions that have been integrated into the Ford General Auditor’s Office basic audit review program.

Ford faces workplace health and safety challenges similar to those of many multinational manufacturing companies. These challenges include establishing and reinforcing high, common expectations for the safety of our employees worldwide. Most of our manufacturing facilities have joint union/management safety committees that guide the development and implementation of safety programs in their operations. At least 75 percent of the Company’s workforce globally are covered by the health and safety committees. This includes the entire manufacturing workforce and some staff organizations.


Download Summary Report

Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

Visit our Downloads page for this report in full or as separate sections along with supplementary publications.