Data: Financial

A. Cumulative Shareholder Return

  Base 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
S&P 500 105 66 84 97 99 109
Ford 90 30 133 224 143 196
  • Provided by third party: Bowne & Co., Inc.

Notes to Data

Updated data to reflect 2007 base.


For more information, please see Ford’s Annual Report.

B. Selected Financial Performance Indicators

  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Sales and revenue ($ billion)† 172.5 146.3 116.3 129 136 134.3
Income/(loss) from continuing operations ($ billion)† (2.8) (14.7) 2.7 6.6 20.2 5.7
Net income/(loss) ($ billion)† (2.7) (14.7) 2.7 6.6 20.2 5.7
Stock price range (per share) ($) 6.65–9.7 1.01–8.79 1.50–10.37 9.75–17.42 9.05–18.97 8.82–13.08
Diluted per share amount of income/(loss) from continuing operations ($)† (1.4) (6.46) 0.86 1.66 4.94 1.42
Diluted per share amount of net income/(loss) ($) (1.38) (6.46) 0.86 1.66 4.94 1.42
Cash dividends per share ($)† 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.15
Automotive gross cash ($ billion)1 34.6 13.4 24.9 20.5 22.9 24.3
Shareholder return (percent)‡ (10.4) (66) 337 67.9 (36) 23
  • † Audited for disclosure in the Ford Annual Report on Form 10-K
  • ‡ Provided by third party: Bowne & Co., Inc.

Notes to Data

  1. Automotive gross cash includes cash and cash equivalents, net marketable and loaned securities and assets contained in a short-term Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA) trust.


For more information, please see Ford’s 10-K and 8-K and Annual Report.

C. Profile of Ford Investors


  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Institutional Investors: 69 57 47 57 48 51
Top 15 38 33 28 29 23 25
Others 31 24 19 28 25 26
Employees and Management 13 12 9 7 7 7
Individuals1 18 31 44 36 45 42
  • Provided by third party

Notes to Data

  1. The ownership by individuals includes shares owned by the Ford family and by Ford employees and management outside of the Company savings plans.


For more information, please see Ford’s Annual Report.

D. Worldwide Taxes Paid

$ million

  2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
Total 5,719 4,796 2,988 2,930 3,279 3,221
U.S. (Federal, State and Local) 1,299 780 674 617 567 713
Non U.S. 4,420 4,016 2,314 2,313 2,712 2,508


For more information, please see Ford’s 10-K and 8-K and Annual Report.


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Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

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