Perspectives on Sustainability
In this section
Scott Belcher
President and CEO
Intelligent Transportation Society of America (ITS America)
“Intelligent transportation systems truly are the next big thing in vehicle safety. Having vehicles communicate with each other to alert drivers to unsafe roads, accidents and other problems will, quite simply, be transformational.”
Michael J. Brennan
President and Chief Executive Officer
United Way for Southeastern Michigan
“When you look at Ford Motor Company today, you see a company with community-focused commitments that are embedded within the corporate DNA. The automaker believes that thriving, viable communities are critical not only to the company itself, but also to those who live and work within its areas of operation.”
Tony (Thomas K.) Brown
Group Vice President, Global Purchasing
Ford Motor Company
“At Ford, we spend a lot of time educating ourselves, trying to understand current supply chain issues that impact our operations today, and emerging issues that may define how we operate in the future.”
Sister Patricia Daly
Executive Director
Tri-State Coalition for Responsible Investment
“Companies that prioritize human rights issues are making an investment that is ultimately deeply connected to brand value.”
Monica Ellis
Chief Executive Officer, Global Environment & Technology Foundation and Chief Executive Officer, Global Water Challenge
“Companies need to evaluate climate change risks holistically – and not just in terms of whether they will have enough water to operate their own businesses. They should also think about water impacts on their workers and their social license to operate.”
Mark Fulton and Bruce Kahn
Global Head of Investment Research, and
Senior Investment Analyst for Climate Change
DB Climate Change Advisors
“Climate change brings with it a tremendous opportunity for the auto industry to create new products and entirely new models of transportation technology. Vehicle electrification, for example, is the long-run destination for the industry.”
Gary Johnson
Vice President, Manufacturing – Asia Pacific and Africa
Ford Motor Company
“Ford is currently undergoing the largest growth in our manufacturing operations that our Company has witnessed in four to five decades. Most of this is occurring in the Asia Pacific region, with new Ford production plants coming online in China, India and Thailand.”
Michael Muyot
President and Founder
CRD Analytics
“Socially responsible investing has become so mainstream among institutional investors that it has now passed the tipping point.”
Gerhard Schmidt
Chief Technical Officer, Vice President of Research and Advanced Engineering (Emeritus)
Ford Motor Company
“Part of the ultimate success story for Ford stems from the fact that the Company fully integrated science into its product and operations decision-making processes.”
- Overview
- Economy Data
- Environment Data
- Society Data