
Video: Bill Ford, Environmental Industrialist

If necessity is the mother of invention, then it's no wonder that the state of the environment is driving innovation around the world. The Big SHFT: 10 Innovators Changing Our World, an original documentary series inspired by Ford's exclusive collaboration with, profiles the cutting-edge innovators shaping new sustainable businesses and influencing positive, global change., a green lifestyle website, has joined forces with Ford to motivate people to make smarter environmental decisions through film, design, art, transportation and culture. The Big SHFT was developed with co-founders Adrian Grenier and Peter Glatzer, and directed by Gilly Barnes. In these short three-minute films, the camera lens is trained on ten innovators who are changing the way we live through innovation and leadership - with an eye on the environment. Another film in this series has now been launched, featuring environmental industrialist Bill Ford, Executive Chairman of Ford Motor Company.

In 2000, Bill Ford spearheaded a sustainability report for the company his great-grandfather had founded nearly a century earlier. Upon first introduction, these green ideas were not well-received. Today, they are at the center of the Ford Motor Company strategy for success. Introducing eco-minded vehicles like hybrids, plug-in hybrids, and EVs, and improving energy efficiency at the factory level, Ford's leadership has radically transformed the way his company operates and the cars it produces.

See more on another SHFT Innovator: Tom Szaky, TerraCycle CEO.