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Collective Action and Public Policy

The water issue is a challenge too large for one company to tackle on its own. We must work toward large-scale collaborative action at the local, national and global levels if we want to identify and implement meaningful solutions. We are committed to continuous improvement through research and partnerships with other companies and organizations to develop improved best practices in responsible water stewardship.

We will collaborate with others, both public and private, to address water challenges (including access to water, sanitation and hygiene) while raising issue awareness by:

  • striving to be recognized as an automotive industry leader within the core elements of the United Nations CEO Water Mandate;
  • being actively involved in stakeholder platforms and efforts to address water challenges globally in the watersheds where we operate; and
  • mobilizing positive action on water issues through efforts directed at employees, public and private stakeholders and the supply chain.

We also will collaborate with governments where we operate to promote sound water management practices for sustainability by:

  • engaging with basin governance structures, where relevant, in countries and regions where we operate;
  • collaborating with government affairs teams to tell our story and engage with governments on the formulation of regulation and the creation of market mechanisms to support water sustainability; and
  • supporting water sustainability efforts in global and local policy discussions.

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