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Year in Review

Welcome to the 15th annual nonfinancial report of Ford Motor Company. During 2013, Ford Motor Company celebrated the 150th anniversary of the birth of Henry Ford and the 100th anniversary of his moving automotive assembly line. And 2014 will mark the 100th anniversary of the $5-a-day wage. These technological and social innovations changed the world. Today, our sustainability work is history inspired, while thinking forward.

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William Clay Ford, Jr.

“Henry Ford would be very comfortable in today’s business environment, and, like the company he founded, would embrace the challenge of translating his vision of attainable mobility in a responsible and sustainable way for the future.”

Alan Mulally

“We are working to serve our customers with the freshest lineup, and that commitment gives us the opportunity to continuously improve our quality, fuel efficiency, safety, smart design and value.”

Robert Brown

“Our approach to sustainability has served us well as we have grown and expanded. As we introduce new products, build new world-class facilities and expand existing operations, we are leveraging our accumulated experience and best practices.”

Our Sustainability Journey

Key Performance Data

In 2013, we improved the average fuel economy of our U.S. truck fleet by 3 percent compared to 2012.

In 2011, we announced a goal to reduce the amount of water used to make each vehicle by 30 percent globally from 2009 to 2015. We have achieved this goal – two years ahead of schedule.

Our Goals and Commitments

We have set goals, commitments and targets for many of our material issues and other important performance areas.


We invited stakeholders to review our reporting and provide feedback.