Sustainability Report 2013/14
Many factors contribute to safe working conditions, including the design and maintenance of the facility and its equipment, effective work processes, and appropriate safeguards for potentially hazardous conditions. We use a variety of processes and programs to assess and manage risks. When potential hazards cannot be addressed through engineering, we use personal protective equipment and procedural controls to help prevent accidents and exposures.
We use internal and external benchmarking to drive health and safety improvements. Internal benchmarking helps us learn from plants that have demonstrated exemplary results and share the key leadership attributes that drive occupational health and safety excellence. Our annual President’s Health and Safety Award program is used to identify the global best practices for replication.
External benchmarking on injury performance and safety processes serves to challenge our facilities to achieve best-in-class performance and document effective injury performance and management processes. For example, we participate in a multi-industry group of companies that shares information and best practices on safety performance. Participants include several auto industry peers as well as companies in a broad range of industries, from health care to aerospace.
The safety of our employees, contractors and visitors transcends the competitive spirit that exists at Ford, GM and Chrysler. In fact, the top safety leaders at each company routinely meet to discuss safety concerns, share ideas and develop methods to ensure people working in or visiting our facilities remain safe.
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