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Climate Change and the Environment

Greening Our Operations

We have adopted a rigorous and holistic approach to reducing the overall environmental impacts of our manufacturing facilities. As part of this strategy, we have established global facility environmental targets that address the range of our environmental impacts, including energy use, emissions, water use and waste generation. Our global, company-wide targets include:

  • Reducing greenhouse gas emissions from our manufacturing facilities by 30 percent per vehicle produced from 2010 to 2025
  • Reducing average energy consumption per vehicle produced by 25 percent globally from 2011 to 2016
  • Reducing water use per vehicle produced by 30 percent between 2009 and 2015
  • Reducing waste to landfill per vehicle produced by 40 percent between 2011 and 2016

We made progress toward meeting each of these goals in 2013 including:

  • Reduced CO2 emissions from our manufacturing facilities per vehicle produced by 9 percent compared to 2012.
  • Reduced average energy consumed per vehicle produced by 4 percent compared to 2012.
  • Reduced water use per vehicle produced by 5 percent compared to 2012, and met our 2015 target two years early.
  • Reduced waste to landfill per vehicle produced by 14 percent compared to 2012.

This section reports on our facilities’ environmental performance, including operational energy use and greenhouse gas emissions, non-CO2 facilities-related emissions (including volatile organic compounds), water use, waste management, sustainable land use and biodiversity, compliance and remediation.