Recall Information
Enter your VIN to check for a recall
Enter your information below to get specific recall information for your vehicle.
- Vehicle Identification Number (VIN):
- A VIN is a unique 17-digit alphanumeric code that describes the characteristics of your vehicle, including assembly plant, body style, engine and model year. The VIN is found on a metal tag affixed above the vehicle instrument panel and in your vehicle documentation.
Important Notices
- 27 Aug 2010
Windstar Safety Recall (10S13)
Ford is voluntarily recalling older, high-mileage Windstar minivans produced between mid-1997 and early 2003 for rear axles. In a very small number of cases, the axles have fractured in certain locations on the right and/or left side, and affected vehicle handling. We will notify affected owners in the very near future and ask them to bring their vehicles to their local dealers for inspection and any necessary repairs. As always, Ford is committed to responding quickly for our customers.