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Active Laser Night Vision

In many dangerous situations, people would be safer if they were able to see better at night. In search of better night vision technology, we developed Active Laser Night Vision technology.

Seeing in the Dark

Night vision technology enables someone to see objects clearly at night at distances of up to several hundred yards in the absence of any artificial light. Night vision technology is useful for commercial businesses, military applications and drivers.

Improved Night Vision Technology

Our researchers wanted to produce an economical night vision technology for large-scale use in vehicles. The product they wanted to develop had superior picture clarity and reduced the blinding tendency of night vision products already available. Our Active Laser Night Vision did just that.

In all applications, Active Laser Night Vision provides a clear view of obstructions and isn't influenced by heat-emitting objects. The U.S. Army Research, Development & Engineering Command (RDECOM) has called Active Laser Night Vision "the cutting edge of laser illumination."

Improving Nighttime Rescues

After Hurricane Charley hit the west coast of Florida, rescuers in Punta Gorda used Active Laser Night Vision to search for survivors. The size of an oversized flashlight, Active Laser Night Vision is as effective as a large spotlight. However, the night vision beam allows the rescue personnel to work without the glare a spotlight would produce.

360-Degree Illumination

Future application of Active Laser Night Vision might include development of a system that would use high-powered lasers with reflective technology to provide 360-degree illumination. This system could penetrate glass, including security, smoked and colored windows, allowing operators to use their equipment from within a protected vehicle. Development of this system would deliver an illumination distance from 300 feet to 3,000 feet.

More Information

For more information about Active Laser Night Vision, please contact Jeff Remillard at (313) 323-9840 or

[video caption] After Hurricane Charley hit the west coast of Florida, rescue personnel used Active Laser Night Vision to search for survivors.