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  • lincoln mercury
    Will find documents containing any of the words entered (lincoln and/or mercury).
  • "dearborn proving grounds"
    Quotation marks require the words to be found together as a phrase.
  • +test +lab
    +ford +financial

    A plus sign (+) requires that each word be found somewhere in the document.
  • seat -leather
    A minus sign (-) will exclude any document containing that word.
  • Bill Ford
    Capitalize the names of people, places, and organizations to find an exact match.
    A search in all lowercase will match words in all cases.
  • mustang, x-type
    The search will return either mustang or x-type
  • gas diesel | engine motor
    The vertical bar ( | ) narrows the search. The search results must contain at least one term to the left and one term to the right of the vertical bar.