There has always been heart behind the oval. It's part of Ford's legacy of community service that stretches back more than 100 years.
Now, looking forward to the next generation, Ford Motor Company Fund has created the "Heart Behind the Oval" scholarship contest that salutes students who share the same values of giving back by volunteering, mentoring and working for nonprofit organizations in their communities.
Ford Fund launched “Heart Behind the Oval” to give high school seniors and college students an opportunity to answer the question – what’s your heart behind?
More than 1,700 young people submitted an essay with answers that were inspiring and heart warming. Ten students were selected as semi-finalists and awarded a Flip Cam to produce a short video showing the positive impact of their project. The videos were posted at www.fordscholars.org and the public was invited to join with a judging panel to select their favorite. Eleven thousand people voted!
The results are now in and Ford Motor Company Fund is proud to announce the Heart Behind the Oval scholarship winners are:
- $3,000 Scholarship: Cara McFarlane (pictured above) - Coppell, Texas
"Everyone meets at my house to prepare 500 meals for the homeless…service is my therapy and my anti-drug." – Cara McFarlane.
View Cara's winning video on "Austin Street Youth."
- $2,000 Scholarship: Savannah Simon – Yukon, Oklahoma
“I understand the importance of organ donation and was able to plan, organize and execute a recent community event that raised awareness." – Savannah Simon.
View Savannah's video on organ donation.
- $1,000 Scholarship: Vineet Gopal – Plano, Texas
"I found what my heart is behind. Not a single organization, not a single fund, but the greater good." – Vineet Gopal.
"View "A Helping Hand" Vineet's food bank video.
Congratulations to our winners and thanks to all who participated by submitting essays or by voting!