Blue Oval Scholars

/ford/09-05-2010/Blue Oval Scholars Full Group

Ford Motor Company knows that investing in education is investing in the future. Ford's continuing commitment to education is reflected in the latest "Blue Oval Scholar" celebration in Detroit. Scholarships totaling $100,000 were awarded to 145 high school seniors in Southeast Michigan.

"You have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school – learning," said Robert L. Bursey II, a new Blue Oval Scholar. "Your generosity has inspired me to help others and to give back to the community."

/ford/09-05-2010/SEED WayneThe Ford Blue Oval Scholarship program drew applicants from schools with high drop-out rates. There are more than forty schools with dropout rates of forty percent or higher in Wayne, Oakland and Macomb counties. Ford also is sponsoring a grant program for a local high school that submits the winning proposal to create a mentoring program that pairs younger students with juniors and seniors. A Back to School Empowerment Seminar hosted by former NBA player Jalen Rose also will be presented at the winning school.

Ford also is partnering with the Jalen Rose Charitable Fund to award a $10,000 scholarship to a deserving student; Arnetia Vaughn-Scott is a graduating senior from the Detroit School of the Arts.