Sustainability 2011/12

Ford Around the World

Ford South America


For many years, we have demonstrated our commitment to water issues primarily through our own operations, focusing on water efficiency, effluent quality and water reuse.

We are also committed to moving beyond our own fences to address water issues within our communities of operation. We are working with stakeholders to better understand issues around water accessibility and sanitation in water-stressed communities especially. And we’re investing in community water stewardship projects globally.

For example, we are committed to mobilizing opportunities for communities in the developing world through clean water. We have joined the Global Water Challenge (GWC), a coalition of leading organizations committed to achieving universal access to safe drinking water, sanitation and hygiene. Through the GWC, Ford and others are funding water and sanitation programs in Central America. The GWC is also launching a “Women for Water” campaign to address critical water needs, since the burden of collecting water in the developing world falls primarily upon women and girls.

During World Water Day on March 22, 2011, Ford organized several events. In São Bernardo and Taubaté, for example, we hosted lectures in partnership with São Paulo Water Agency. In Camaçari, we presented an exposition of industrial and sanitary wastewater treatment plants. And in Troller, we hosted lectures on the management of water resources in the Brazilian state of Ceara.

For a discussion of our global commitment to water issues, please see the Water section.