Sustainability 2011/12

Our Blueprint for Sustainability

Materiality Matrix

High Impact, Medium Concern

20 material issues have been identified at this level

Sustainability Vision, Governance and Management

Sustainability vision, governance and management

Definition/Description Includes governance structures, goals and indicators, business case, stakeholder engagement, reporting.
Comments Governance added to vision and management, reflecting growing investor and NGO interest in integrating sustainability into business processes.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Same position

More information


Ethical business practices

Definition/Description Concerns covered by codes of conduct, e.g., corruption and anti-competitive behavior.
Comments Among stakeholders, of most concern to investors.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Same position

More information

Human rights strategy

Definition/Description Includes Ford’s policies and practices related to human rights.
Comments This issue has been newly categorized as a governance issue, reflecting its mainstreaming into Ford’s business.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Lower level of concern to stakeholders

More information

Public Policy

Global environmental regulation

Definition/Description Trend toward greater regulation and the cost of compliance.
Comments Continues to be of high importance to Ford.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Same position

More information

Ford Financial Health

Alignment of products with demand

Definition/Description Ford’s realignment of production capacity to lower levels of demand and the shift from trucks and SUVs to cars; supply-base rationalization; managing downsizing.
Comments Reduced in importance to stakeholders, still of highest concern to Ford.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Lower level of concern to stakeholders

More information

Manufacturing efficiency

Definition/Description Includes reduced complexity of products, lean and flexible manufacturing, and flexible work rules.
Comments Key element of Ford’s ability to respond to changing markets; part of public discussion about aid to automakers.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Same position

More information


Definition/Description Product quality and customer service/customer relationship management.
Comments Lower concern to stakeholders may reflect Ford’s dramatically improved quality record.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Lower level of concern to stakeholders

More information

Ford Future Competitiveness

Emerging markets products and services strategy

Definition/Description Ford’s approach to emerging markets: infrastructure development; human rights as an issue in growth markets; Ford’s impacts/contributions in emerging markets (other than products and services), including local sourcing, pollution, potential for partnerships.
Comments With projected growth in the Company’s Asia Pacific operations, would have increased in importance for the Company if it was not already at the highest level. Key drivers of the issue include congestion, shifting demographics, urbanization and social equity.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Lower level of concern to stakeholders

More information


Water use

Definition/Description Includes impacts on water sources; water management, cost of water and discharges to water.
Comments Particular concern in areas of water scarcity; issue gaining a higher public profile.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Same position

More information

Climate Change

Cleaner vehicle technology

Definition/Description Ford’s development of low-carbon technologies, including hybrids, electric vehicles, clean diesel, fuel cells; also emerging technologies like nanotechnology.
Comments Lower stakeholder interest, may reflect increased action from automakers in this area.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Lower level of concern to stakeholders

More information


Operational environmental management

Definition/Description High-level environmental operational concerns, including environmental management, environmental compliance.
Comments Environmental compliance a concern to communities. Increased importance to Ford reflects management focus on achieving environmental targets.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Increased in importance to Ford

More information

GHG emissions – operations

Definition/Description Includes cost of controlling GHG emissions.
Comments Less of a concern than GHG emissions from vehicles, but rated high for Ford and NGOs/stakeholders.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Same position

More information

Other operational environmental issues

Definition/Description Includes spills, nuisances (noise), and pre- and post-production logistics.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Increased in importance to Ford and stakeholders

More information


Tailpipe emissions

Definition/Description Air-quality impacts of vehicle emissions other than GHGs; trend toward greater regulation.
Comments High concern to customers/NGOs/stakeholders; impact on Ford due to increased and inconsistent regulation.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Same position

More information

Environmentally preferred materials

Definition/Description Cradle-to-cradle approach; use of renewable, recycled, recyclable materials.
Comments Formerly “sustainable materials.”
Trend (from previous analysis)

Same position

More information

Lifecycle assessment

Definition/Description Includes the need for defensible lifecycle assessment processes.
Comments Issue added when we last updated our materiality analysis for the 2010–11 report. Reflects growing interest in lifecycle assessment among consumers and other stakeholders, with a particular focus on GHG emissions and water.
Trend (from previous analysis)


More information


Workplace health and safety

Definition/Description Health and safety management systems; ergonomics.
Comments Emerging issue is managing health and safety impacts of downsizing.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Same position

More information

Employee morale and teamwork

Definition/Description Includes issues of employee satisfaction, development, recruitment and retention as well as increasing employee interest in sustainability.
Comments New sub-issues were added in this category including employee interest in working for a sustainable company and the need to engage employees in sustainability issues.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Increased in importance to stakeholders

More information

Employees/labor practices/decent work

Definition/Description Ford’s employment practices, including wages, wage ratios, benefits, permanent v. temporary positions; training and education; turnover; impact of aging workforce.
Comments High concern to communities and investors.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Increased in importance to Ford

More information

Community Engagement

Community engagement

Definition/Description License to operate, NGO relationships and specific community concerns like breast cancer, obesity, compliance.
Comments Increasing concern to Ford, lower concern to communities and NGOs in this analysis. However, community interest in specific issues of engagement like water increased in this analysis.
Trend (from previous analysis)

Increased in importance to Ford

Lower level of concern to stakeholders

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