Our 2010 Safety Record

Ford’s workplace safety record in 2010 was mixed. On the positive side, a major safety indicator – lost-time case rate – continued to improve, dropping 11 percent compared to 2009.

Improving our safety record is not only good for our employees, it’s good for our business. We have calculated that progress in lost-time cases and days lost saves the Company approximately $30 million in direct costs each year.

Tragically, we experienced one employee fatality during 2010. A young product development engineer was killed in a public road accident in Mexico while with a convoy of test vehicles.

We also had two contractor fatalities on Ford property: a construction contractor on the site of our new facility in Thailand, and a transport driver in our vehicle compound in Camacari, Brazil. Zero fatalities on Ford property remains our primary objective.

We experienced 108 serious injuries among our direct employees. In most of the cases, the causes were related to slip, trip and fall events or performing work not according to our standards. These numbers represent strong improvement over 2009, but we will not be satisfied until we reach zero serious injuries.

For more information, see the data section of this report.