Engaging With Our Employees

This section on employees has described the myriad ways we engage with our employees. For example, we work closely with our employees’ unions to develop agreements and governance plans through a collective bargaining process. Policy and procedures involving information, consultation and negotiations with employees over changes in the reporting organization’s operations (e.g., reorganizations, plant shutdowns, employee transfers and reductions) are negotiated with the appropriate union. In addition, joint labor-management committees are set up at each plant to give employees an opportunity to influence working conditions and practices.

For our salaried employees, most of whom are not covered by union agreements, we have a strong Code of Conduct and comprehensive Policy Letters and Directives covering topics, including diversity, relevant to our employees. We also practice regular two-way communication with all employees through weekly webcasts, quarterly town hall meetings, manager-to-employee business cascades, surveys and informal communications, and we survey our salaried employees annually using the Global Pulse survey.