Case Studies

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Case Study: Driver Distraction

Over the past two decades, cellular phones have gone from clunky novelties to ubiquitous must-haves. The public has become accustomed to using cell phones everywhere – at home, on the street, in restaurants, at the office, while shopping and – of most interest to Ford’s safety researchers – while driving. The ubiquity of cell phones has heightened concerns about driver distraction. We at Ford agree that this is an important safety issue, and we have taken steps to address it.

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Case Study: Intelligent Vehicles

In recent years, Ford has unveiled numerous safety and driver-assist technologies that rely on radars and cameras to warn the driver of an impending dangerous situation and even intervene if necessary. At the same time, we have been undertaking research – both on our own and in partnership with others – to take these technologies to the next level. This “next level” involves improving the performance of these systems such that they can be used in onboard vehicle-to-vehicle and even vehicle-to-infrastructure communications.

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