Materiality Matrix

20 material issues have been identified at this level

Click on an issue below for more details

Sustainability vision, governance and management


Public policy

Ford financial health

Ford future competitiveness

  • Emerging markets products and services strategy
    Definition/Description Ford’s approach to emerging markets: infrastructure development; human rights as an issue in growth markets; Ford’s impacts/contributions in emerging markets (other than products and services), including local sourcing, pollution, potential for partnerships.
    Comments With projected growth in the Company’s Asia Pacific operations, would have increased in importance for the Company if it was not already at the highest level. Key drivers of the issue include congestion, shifting demographics, urbanization and social equity.
    Trend (from previous analysis)

    Lower level of concern to stakeholders

    More information


  • Water use
    Definition/Description Includes impacts on water sources; water management, cost of water and discharges to water.
    Comments Particular concern in areas of water scarcity; issue gaining a higher public profile.
    Trend (from previous analysis)

    Same position

    More information

Climate change




Community engagement

  • Community engagement
    Definition/Description License to operate, NGO relationships and specific community concerns like breast cancer, obesity, compliance.
    Comments Increasing concern to Ford, lower concern to to communities and NGOs in this analysis. However, community interest in specific issues of engagement like water increased in this analysis.
    Trend (from previous analysis)

    Increased in importance to Ford

    Lower level of concern for stakeholders

    More information