Inclusive Hiring

Inclusive hiring is the foundation of what we believe and what we do. At Ford Motor Company, we understand that our differences, and being unique, help make us stronger and more innovative. Our differences reflect the customers we serve and the customers who help drive our business.


At Ford, we believe a diverse and inclusive workforce — that represents all of our customers — makes us a better, stronger company. That’s the foundation of our FordWorks initiative.

People with disabilities are significantly underrepresented in the work force. FordWorks aims to correct this deficiency while utilizing the unique strengths and insights these valued members of our community offer. Together we can create a better world for everyone around us.

For the pilot of our FordWorks program, our focus was on individuals with autism – at nearly 90% unemployment, this community is the most underrepresented in the work force. Through this program, we’ve added members to our skill teams such as IT, Product Development and Credit, and we plan to expand to other skill teams like Manufacturing and Quality in 2019.

Ready to get involved?

FordWorks has partnered with Upbound at Work for the hiring, training and on the job support of individuals who identify as having a disability. Interested candidates may email their resumes to and learn more about Upbound at Work below. 

Upbound at Work    877-463-2266