Ford South America: People

Our employees are crucial to delivering our vision of building great products that contribute to a better world.

Through initiatives like the Global Week of Caring and the Henry Ford Environmental Awards, Ford has made a positive impact on communities and environmental issues throughout South America.

Global Week of Caring

During the 2012 Global Week of Caring, we provided dental care treatment for students from public schools. Also, Ford employees and partner companies collected more than 12 tons of nonperishable food for drought victims in Bahia state (Brazil). The donations were sent to the cities of Bom Jesus da Serra and Planaltino Ouriçangas.

In 2012, Ford employee initiatives also included the following:

  • At the São Bernardo do Campo plant, Ford employees collected more than 2,800 pieces of clothing and shoes for six charities in the region.

  • At the Brazilian Proving Ground, volunteers collected personal hygiene items for a public school, as well as clothes, furniture and electronic devices.

  • Our engine and transmission facility in Taubaté promoted the exhibition and sale of handicrafts made by a charitable association.

  • Ford Argentina organized its 12th blood donation day, which was attended by several employees. This initiative is part of an agreement with the Hemotherapy Institute from Buenos Aires’s health ministry to promote awareness about blood donation.

  • Ford Argentina has joined forces with Un Techo para mi Pais (“a roof for my country”), a well-known International NGO, to build a house in Buenos Aires. More than 20 Ford volunteers participated in this Global Week of Caring event, in order to foster the spirit of solidarity and enthusiasm among Ford employees.

  • Ford Argentina’s hourly employees provided donations of clothes and toys to a primary school located in Puerto Constanza, in Entre Rios Province. They also took the schoolchildren to Buenos Aires to see a movie.

  • Ford Argentina employees participated in a plastic bottle recycling program.

  • In July, as part of a program in Argentina we call “Ford and its Dealers, Generating Education for a New Future,” we finished the renovation of our 18th school. This school, which is located in Los Chañaritos, Catamarca province, was built and donated entirely by Ford and our dealers in 1978. The renovation of the school includes sustainability upgrades such as wastewater filtration, solar energy installations and a device to gather rainwater.

  • At the Valencia plant in Venezuela, more than 300 Ford volunteers organized and provided an entertainment day for 120 children (ages 5–12) from low-income orphanages. Children were taken on a short plant tour and later received school supplies, snacks and refreshments.

  • More than 400 volunteers participated in a world beach cleanup day, contributing to cleaning one of the most important beaches in the central coast region in Venezuela.

Explore a full list of our Global Week of Caring and other volunteerism efforts in South America.

For a discussion of our global commitment to our stakeholders, please see the People section.


Download Summary Report

Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

Visit our Downloads page for this report in full or as separate sections along with supplementary publications.