
Water is essential to every element of existence.

Water-stressed regions

Taking a close look at water-stressed regions

  • Access to Water

    We believe Ford can play a role in developing and implementing solutions to the global water challenge.

  • Facilities

    Our newest plants use a set of advanced and environmentally friendly technologies to dramatically cut water use.

  • Community Engagement

    We participate in social programs that provide better access to water.

Water strategy

Addressing water risks and opportunities

  • Conservation and Innovation

    Our newest plants use advanced and environmentally friendly technologies to dramatically cut water use.

  • Collaboration

    We engage with our communities and work with researchers, policy makers and NGOs on ways to make an impact.

  • Minimizing Water Use

    We’re aiming to cut the amount of water used to make each vehicle by 30 percent globally from 2009 to 2015.

  • Quality

    We’re finding ways to use alternative, lower-quality water sources.

  • Technology Investments

    We prioritize water technology investments based on local water scarcity and cost effectiveness.

Water splash

Assessing our water footprint

  • Vehicle Lifecycle

    We have been assessing our water footprint throughout the lifecycle of our vehicles.

The availability of high-quality water to meet the needs of humans and ecosystems is a critical global sustainability issue, the effects of which are felt locally. Water is essential to every element of existence. It is vital for health, indispensable for agriculture and biodiversity, necessary for industry and critical for community development. The need for clean water cuts across all social, economic, environmental and political boundaries.

We believe Ford can play a role in developing and implementing solutions to the global water challenge. We are committed to conserving water and using it responsibly. Many vehicle manufacturing processes require water, and water is used at every point in our supply chain. Our water-related risks come not only from being a direct water consumer, but also from being a large purchaser of water-intensive materials, parts and components.

Our comprehensive water strategy is based on an analysis of risks and opportunities throughout our value chain from environmental and social perspectives. To better understand our impacts, we have been assessing our water footprint throughout the lifecycle of our vehicles. We also have taken a close look at Ford operations located in water-stressed regions. We prioritize facility water reductions based on local needs, while using a global, company-wide approach. We are also participating in social programs that provide better access to water.

Our water strategy actions – including our water-use-per-vehicle reduction goal of 30 percent from 2009 to 2015 – aim to meet a number of objectives. These include:

  • Minimizing water use and consumption at Ford facilities
  • Finding ways to use alternative, lower-quality water sources
  • Prioritizing our water technology investments based on local water scarcity and cost effectiveness
  • Meeting either local quality standards or Ford global standards for wastewater discharge – whichever is more stringent
  • Ensuring a stable water supply for our manufacturing facilities while working with local communities to minimize our impact

At Ford, we recognize water as a human rights issue – in other words, as a “right to water.” Companies that underperform on water issues will face scrutiny over human rights violations – especially those companies operating in water-stressed areas. Our Company’s water strategy complements our overall Code of Human Rights, Basic Working Conditions and Corporate Responsibility.

  1. Sources: UN-Water, WHO/UNICEF


Download Summary Report

Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

Visit our Downloads page for this report in full or as separate sections along with supplementary publications.