Our Journey Continues

Blueprint for Sustainability 2012/13

At Ford, we continue to Go Further on our sustainability journey. This report describes our progress in six categories of material issues.

Financial Health

2012 was among our most profitable years ever in North America. We are much stronger financially than we were five years ago, having transformed ourselves from the inside out.

Read more on Financial Health >

Climate Change and the Environment

We are working to minimize the environmental impacts of our vehicles and operations and contribute to climate stabilization. In 2012, we continued to implement strategies to meet our goals.

Read more on Climate Change and the Environment >


We have a comprehensive, risk-based water strategy. We’re aiming to cut per-vehicle water use by 30 percent globally from 2009 to 2015.

Read more on Water >

Vehicle Safety and Driver Assist Technologies

We remain among the global leaders in vehicle safety. We have developed advanced safety and driver assist technologies and are making them available across a wide range of vehicles.

Read more on Vehicle Safety and Driver Assist Technologies >

Supply Chain

Our suppliers are critical allies in helping us meet our sustainability goals. We work with our own suppliers and across the automotive supply chain to advance the protection of human rights and the environment.

Read more on Supply Chain >


A skilled and motivated workforce is the essence of Ford. Our employees deliver on our vision of building vehicles with the very best in quality, safety, fuel efficiency and design.

Read more on People >

Value Chain

We assess sustainability issues across our value chain and work to improve our impacts.

Our Regions

Read about key regional sustainability initiatives.

Our Strategy

Our sustainability strategy helps us deliver Great Products, a Strong Business and a Better World.

Electrifying Choices

We are offering a range of electrified vehicles to reduce CO2 emissions, deliver leading fuel economy and meet diverse customers’ transportation needs.

As we expand and realign globally and introduce new products, we are contributing solutions to economic development, energy security and environmental sustainability.”

Alan Mulally, President and CEO

Read Alan Mulally’s letter

Public Policy

We are transparent about our public contributions policy and our positions on key issues.


Download Summary Report

Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

Visit our Downloads page for this report in full or as separate sections along with supplementary publications.