Reporting and Transparency

External reporting is a fundamental element of accountability. Sustainability reporting not only demonstrates transparency but, in our view, is the basis of organizational learning, demonstrates our values, and both reflects and drives outstanding economic, environmental and social performance. The following are central elements of our reporting strategy.


Over the last several years, Ford has sought to increase the materiality and responsiveness to stakeholders of our sustainability reporting. A key part of our reporting strategy has been a materiality analysis, which has been a critical tool in helping shape the content of this report. The analysis is updated every other year, most recently in early 2013. We use the analysis to focus our reporting on those issues determined to be most material to the Company over a three- to ten-year time horizon. This report discusses in detail the issues identified as most material, while also covering other sustainability issues of importance to Ford and our stakeholders.


Please see the Assurance section for discussion of our approach to third-party review of this report and data assurance.

External Guidelines

This report is aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 Guidelines at the self-declared A application level. Ford has supported and participated in the development of the GRI Guidelines since their inception.

This report also serves to disclose how we are implementing the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC). An index cross-referencing the Compact and relevant sections of this report can be found on the UNGC Index page.

Targeted Reporting

Linked with our efforts to increase the materiality of our reporting, Ford has also taken steps to produce more targeted audience-, location- and subject-specific sustainability communications. For example, we produce an eight-page executive summary (pdf, 1.75Mb), which is provided to employees as a pull-out in the regularly published internal magazine, Ford World.

And, beginning with our 2011/12 Sustainability Report, we have increased our coverage of regional issues with regional reports for Asia Pacific and Africa, Europe and South America.

Benchmarking and External Feedback

Ford seeks formal and informal feedback on our Sustainability Report from a number of organizations with expertise in reporting, in addition to the Ceres Stakeholder Review Committee. Other feedback we received can be found in Downloads.

Over the years, our Sustainability Reporting has been recognized for its quality. Ford’s 2009/10 Sustainability Report was a finalist in the 2010 Ceres/Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) North American Awards for Sustainability Reporting. Our 2008/9 report took second place in this award in 2009, and our 2007/8 report was the co-winner in 2008. Our 2004/5 report placed in the top five. Ceres chose not to host the awards in 2012.


Download Summary Report

Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

Visit our Downloads page for this report in full or as separate sections along with supplementary publications.