Investor FAQs

Investor Relations
Please browse our list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Stock/Investment Questions Expand All
Q: How can I buy stock and invest in Ford Motor Company? Please visit our Investing With Ford page to learn more about purchasing stock and other investment opportunities.
Q: How do I find historical stock price information? Visit our Stock Tools page for information on stock performance, historical stock prices, splits and spinoffs, and historical dividends.
Q: Does your stock ticker display real-time quotes? Stock price information in our investor section is subject to a minimum 30 minute delay.
Q: What do I do if I misplaced or lost my Ford Stock certificate?

Stock certificates are negotiable documents. They should always be kept in a secure place such as a safe deposit box or vault.

Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (formerly EquiServe) offers free safekeeping for Ford Motor Company common stock certificates.

If you have lost one or more of your stock certificates, contact Computershare, our shareholder services and transfer agent, for replacement instructions. In response to your request, Computershare will provide you with an Affidavit of Loss and Indemnity Agreement, which you must complete and return.

In most cases, you must pay a replacement fee of $50 and a surety bond fee of 2% of the market value of the shares represented by the lost certificates on the date you reported the loss to Computershare. For this reason, you are encouraged to ensure the misplacement of your certificates before reporting them lost.

Computershare is ready to assist you with all your Ford Motor Company certificate needs.

Q: What is the difference between a shareholder of record and a “street name” holder?

If your shares are registered directly in your name with Computershare Trust Company, N.A., the Company’s stock transfer agent, you are considered the shareholder of record with respect to those shares.

If your shares are held in a stock brokerage account or by a bank or other nominee, you are considered the beneficial owner of these shares, and your shares are held in “street name.”

Q: How do I know if I received all of my dividend/distribution checks?

If you've lost a dividend/distribution check or would like to make sure you've received and cashed all of your dividend/distribution checks, contact Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (formerly EquiServe) for a status of your account. When making your request for a replacement check, be aware that the original check will become voided immediately upon the issuance of the replacement check. Therefore, if you find the original check the next day, do not attempt to cash it or deposit it as it will not be honored, and you may incur a "returned check" fee charged by your bank.

IMPORTANT NOTE: All checks issued by Ford's prior shareholder services agent, Chase Mellon Shareholder Services, formerly Chemical Mellon Shareholder Services or Chemical Bank, are no longer valid. Persons still holding Chase/Chemical checks should contact Computershare for replacement check(s).

Q: What documents do I need for tax reporting?

Shareholders "of record" on Ford Motor Company's registered shareholder list will receive tax reporting information from Computershare Trust Company, N.A. (formerly EquiServe). Each shareholder should consult a tax advisor to determine the correct tax liability each year. Below are some facts, to keep in mind, when completing your tax forms: Each shareholder, with shares in a brokerage or trust company account, will receive their tax reporting information from the account custodian. If changes are needed in withholding or tax reporting, the account custodian must be notified.

Computershare prepares and mails United States Internal Revenue Service Forms 1099DIV, 1099OID, 1099B, and 1042S, annually, before January 31, covering activity for the preceding tax year. Generally the Form 1099DIV or 1099OID is attached to the fourth quarter dividend check or Dividend Investment and Stock Purchase Plan statement; the 1042S's and 1099B's are mailed separately.

U.S. shareholders, not wanting tax withheld from their dividends, should file a United States Internal Revenue Service Form W-9 with Computershare.

Shareholders outside the U.S. should file a United States Internal Revenue Service Form W-8 with Computershare to make sure their withholding is calculated at the correct rate.

Q: Who do I contact regarding my Ford shares?

If you are a registered shareholder who holds their shares directly with the company, you need to contact Ford's transfer agent:

Ford Shareholder Services Group

Computershare Trust Company

P.O. Box 43087

Providence, Rhode Island 02940-3087

Telephone: (800) 279-1237 (U.S. and Canada)

(781) 575-2732 (International)

If you hold your shares through an outside broker, you would need to contact them directly.

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SEC Filings and Financial Reports Expand All
Q: Where can I see Ford's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission? Visit our U.S. SEC EDGAR Filings page to see the filings.
Q: Where can I find out the date and time of the next quarterly financial earnings results? Typically we will announce the date in a press release about two weeks in advance of the earnings conference call. It will be posted on our Investor Events & Webcasts page once announced.
Q: Where can I find Ford's monthly sales results? U.S. monthly sales results are typically released during the first few days after the conclusion of each month. A monthly U.S. sales webcast is available online and scheduling information is listed in our Investor Events & Calendar page once announced. Sales results from Europe, Asia and other regions of the world are released when available via our media website.
Q: How can I get a printed copy of your annual report and other key documents? You can request a printed copy of the Annual Report, 10-K, proxy statement and other literature from our Literature Request page. You can also download most of the materials directly from our website from our Reports and Financial Information page online.
Q: Where can I find a list of the analysts that follow Ford?

Ford Motor Company is currently followed by more than a dozen major firms. Visit our Analyst Coverage page for a list. This list may not be complete and is subject to change as firms add or delete coverage of Ford.

Please note that any opinions, estimates or forecasts regarding Ford's performance made by the analysts at these firms are theirs alone and do not represent opinions, forecasts or predictions of Ford Motor Company or its management. Ford does not by listing these firms imply its endorsement of or concurrence with such information, conclusions or recommendations.

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Annual Shareholder Meeting Expand All
Q: When is the Annual Meeting of Shareholders?

The Annual Meeting of Shareholders is normally held on the second Thursday of May each year. The exact location and time are announced each year in the Proxy Statement. All shareholders of record receive notice of the annual meeting and instructions for voting each April. The company does not mail quarterly financial reports or any other general mailings to shareholders.

2014 Annual Meeting Voting Results

Q: How can I attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders?

If you are a shareholder of record and you plan to attend the annual meeting, please let us know by indicating so when you vote your shares.

For registered shareholders who receive a Proxy card in the mail, please tear off the top portion where indicated and bring it with you to the meeting. For registered shareholders who receive a Notice of Annual Meeting and vote their shares via the Internet, please print your ticket from the voting website.

If you are a “street name” shareholder who holds their shares through an outside broker, please tell your broker or nominee that you’re planning to attend the meeting and would like a “legal proxy.” Then simply bring the legal proxy form to the meeting, and we’ll issue you a ticket at the door.

Each shareholder is entitled to bring one guest, and you will each be asked to present valid government-issued picture identification, such as a driver’s license or passport, before being admitted to the meeting. Cameras, recording devices, and other electronic devices will not be permitted at the meeting, and attendees will be subject to security inspections. We encourage you to leave any such items at home. We will not be responsible for any items checked at the door.

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Investor Contacts Expand All
Q: How can I contact you if I have questions? Visit our Investors Contacts page to find phone numbers, address information, or to send us a message online.
Q: Can I submit a product suggestion to the Investor team?

Please confine any questions to the investor team to issues surrounding Ford stock, investment opportunities and shareholder-related matters. For other matters, please contact Ford Motor Company via one of the other links below:

• To submit a general suggestion or concern about your vehicle, visit our Contact Ford page.

• To suggest general ideas to make Ford better visit our Your Ideas page on our Ford Story website.

• If you have an unsolicited idea you'd like to submit to Ford that involves patented or patentable works, visit our Ford New Ideas website to review the submission process.

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