Investing in Communities

North America


Stop Hunger Now

Stop Hunger Now


In Mesa, 34 Ford and Ford Credit NRC volunteers participated in an Accelerated Action Day, Model Team “Stop Hunger Now” event. They packaged high-protein, dehydrated meals for use around the globe. The goal was packaging 16,500 meals to help stop hunger. The Stop Hunger Now organization presented the NRC with an award in appreciation for our Center, packaging a total of over 100,000 meals during Ford volunteer events.


Atlanta Community Food Bank

Atlanta Community Food Bank


Donated, nonperishable food items were sorted and delivered to needy citizens by Ford employee volunteers.


Dare to Care Hunger Walk

Dare to Care Hunger Walk


Ford Motor Company volunteers staffed the water stop for the 5K walk/run participants at the Waterfront Park Festival Plaza.


Donations for the Poor

Donations for the Poor


Plant employees donated clothes of all sizes for children and adults, to be donated to poor people in Chihuahua City.

Various Volunteer Activities

Various Volunteer Activities

Mexico City

Employees at Ford’s Cuautitlán Stamping and Assembly Plant helped a boy with muscular dystrophy realize a lifetime dream to become an engineer by giving him a tour of the facility, explaining the manufacturing process and making him an honorary Ford employee. Cuautitlán employees also repaired benches and painted the Ministerio Vive, A.C.

Ford of Mexico Santa Fe and Ford Credit Mexico donated one ton of food to children served by Comeodor Santa Maria, planted 600 trees at Rancho Los Laureles, assisted the Raramuri Community and conducted an in-plant bazaar of native-made goods, and completely rehabilitated the outdoor play spaces at Ford Public School #200.


Angels Place

Angels Place


Ford volunteers constructed new railings, and reinforced and painted the other secure railings at a group home for developmentally delayed adults.

Community Living Center

Community Living Center


Ford volunteers constructed a storage shed and security fencing on the grounds of a group home for developmentally disabled adults. Volunteers removed an old shed, assembled a new 8' x 10' storage shed, erected approx. 60' of stockade fencing, and completed a minor landscape clean up.

Gleaner's Food Bank

Gleaner’s Food Bank


Volunteers packed “pantry pacs” and family food boxes, sorted food, pulled agency orders and performed other tasks.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity


The 2012 Ford Blitz Build had over 200 volunteers building a Ford-sponsored home in Detroit. Volunteers completed the landscaping in October.

Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity


Volunteers constructed the floor system for a new home in a Monroe County housing development. The floor system or floor framing consisted of a system of sills, beams, girders, joists and subflooring, all properly sized and connected together.

International Wildlife Refuge

International Wildlife Refuge


Ford volunteers built a wood pathway over sensitive wetlands, planted trees and built bird boxes.

Liberty Hill

Liberty Hill


An ambitious team of Ford volunteers removed overgrown bushes, prepared garden beds, planted new plants and spread mulch to update and beautify this home for its disabled residents.

Lutheran Child and Family Services

Lutheran Child and Family Services

Farmington Hills

Volunteers re-stained two bridges on the campus, in addition to completing landscaping and ground maintenance chores.

Matrix Human Services

Matrix Human Services


Volunteers painted and spruced up the center, changing it into a colorful and inviting place for the 600 weekly visitors served through on-site services and programs.

Mom's Place

Mom’s Place

Cass Community – Detroit

Ford Volunteers built an outdoor playground/basketball court for the children and youth who live at Mom’s Place and in the shelter programs. They also repaired and replaced fencing, installed bike racks and assembled seating areas for spectators and participants.

Munger School

Munger School


A group of 600 UAW workers built raised garden beds for the school’s new home-gardening curriculum, where students will learn by planting and growing their own vegetables.

Pablo David Living Center

Pablo David Living Center


Ford attorneys conducted a workshop to ensure that senior citizens were properly enrolled in programs so they can obtain the benefits they are eligible to receive.

Penrickton School for the Blind

Penrickton School for the Blind


Ford employee volunteers modified battery-operated toys for use by blind children, made repairs and updates to the facility and painted walls in the play areas and living quarters.

Ruth Ellis Center

Ruth Ellis Center

Highland Park

More than 30 volunteers built an intake area, installed storage cubbies for personal items, and painted and cleaned this facility for underserved and homeless youth needing shelter.

St. Vincent de Paul

St. Vincent de Paul


At the Utica St. Vincent de Paul Resale store, Ford volunteers sorted donations, stocked and organized the selling spaces and work stations, and repaired bicycles and other equipment.

Vista Maria

Vista Maria

Dearborn Heights

Volunteers helped clean up Vista Maria’s campus with a number of projects: weeding, brush clearing, painting, etc. The activities helped prepare the campus for the upcoming winter months.

Clark Park


A large group of Ford volunteers cleaned and landscaped the park for the enjoyment of the whole community.

Habitat for Humanity


Volunteers installed kitchen cabinets, countertops and laminate flooring in a newly constructed home for a needy family.


Halton Trauma Center and SafetyNet

Halton Trauma Center and SafetyNet


Ford volunteers in Ontario hosted a fundraising event for the Halton Trauma Center and SafetyNet, and collected gently used and new toys, clothing and musical instruments.


Firewood Donations

Firewood Donations


Ford volunteers cut tons of wood for low-income families to heat their homes.


Homeless Shelter


In Montreal, Ford volunteers visited a homeless shelter and prepared meals, set up the dining room, served the meals, and sorted food and clothing that were distributed to the visitors.


Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity


Ford volunteers from the Nashville Business Center did work for Habitat for Humanity.


Dallas Meals on Wheels

Dallas Meals on Wheels


Dallas Ford volunteers delivered meals to homebound seniors and disabled adults.

Houston Interfaith Ministries

Houston Interfaith Ministries


Volunteers accomplished a variety of needed tasks for this nonprofit organization.

Houston Meals on Wheels

Houston Meals on Wheels


Ford volunteers in Houston delivered meals to homebound seniors and disabled adults.

North Texas Food Bank


Ten Ford volunteers donated, sorted and organized crates of nonperishable food items for needy citizens.

Tarrant Area Food Bank

Ft. Worth

Eight Ford volunteers sorted and classified the donated nonperishable food items at this food bank.


School Supplies and Feeding the Hungry

School Supplies and Feeding the Hungry


Volunteers from Titus-Will Ford helped gather supplies for local schools, and Scarff Ford volunteers prepared and served food to hungry teens in the community weekly for three months.

Seattle Gospel Mission

Seattle Gospel Mission


Ford volunteers prepared and served breakfast and lunch to the residents; light cleaning and laundry tasks were also completed by the 25 participating volunteers.

Central and South America


11 Volunteer Projects

11 Volunteer Projects

Buenos Aires

Ford volunteers in Argentina undertook 11 different projects during the Ford Global Week of Caring, including building a house, working at a food bank, assisting with special activities for neglected children, working at local schools, doing landscaping work and conducting a blood drive.


Toy Donations and Dental Exams

Toy Donations and Dental Exams

Sao Paulo State

In Brazil, the Ford Credit Corporate Citizenship Committee led the campaign to collect new and gently used toys and food that were delivered to children living in an orphanage in Sao Paulo State. Dental exams were also given to needy citizens.


HEAL Foundation


Thirty volunteers in Colombia assisted the HEAL Foundation in offering support to families with children up to 18 years old who have cancer. HEAL provides psychological support, transport, accommodation and recreation.


Entertainment and School Supplies


Ford employees provided entertainment and supplies to children from area orphanages, including providing a tour of the local plant. Children also received school supplies, including uniforms and educational materials.



Home for Disabled Children

Home for Disabled Children

Genk and Limburg

Ford volunteers in Belgium went to work at a home for disabled children doing painting, gardening and clean-up work.

Czech Republic



In the Czech Republic, Ford became a partner in a special long-term project called Světluška (Lightning-bug), supporting blind and visual handicapped children and adults. Světluška collects money through different events to help integrate people back into work and social life. Most recently, Ford employees helped coordinate the group’s National Gathering.


15 Global Week of Caring Projects

15 Global Week of Caring Projects


Fifteen Global Week of Caring projects were organized by Ford of Germany volunteers in Cologne. Employees from Purchasing, the IT Department, Powertrain R&A, Cologne Merkenich and Cologne Niehl were all involved. Several public schools, parks, an animal shelter, the elderly and disabled adult residents of the SBK home, and the cancer ward of the children’s hospital in Cologne all benefited from the employees’ efforts.




Twenty Ford Germany Purchasing employees worked on projects with the Leibniz-Gymnasium Dormagen schools and kindergartens. Two full days were spent at a public school in Dormagen, which is near the Ford plant. The team painted the fifth-floor classrooms and restructured the school’s play and sports areas.


Pilisi Parkerdo


Twenty-one volunteers from the European Review Team worked at the Pilisi Parkerdo (a large park) clearing trails in the Szentendre Forests.


Craiova Children's Hospital

Craiova Children’s Hospital


Ford volunteers refurbished the Craiova Children’s Hospital yard. The place was littered with broken benches, an old gazebo and some rusty leftovers of play equipment. Also, the concrete fence was broken and unstable. Seventy volunteers worked first to clean up the site and then repaired the concrete fence, painted it, and installed block pavement, new benches, a new gazebo and new play equipment. The place is now clean and safe for children.


Various Volunteer Projects

Various Volunteer Projects


Ford employees undertook a range of projects in Valencia, including cleaning the shoreline of Lake Albufera; donating clothing and time to a homeless shelter; organizing a collection drive for old cell phones, the proceeds from which funded the Spanish Red Cross and other charitable organizations; and donating supplies and time doing building maintenance to a local orphanage and a shelter for disabled women.

United Kingdom

SHARE Special Needs Youth Club


Volunteers performed building and ground maintenance at the SHARE Special Needs Youth Club facility.

Essex Wildlife Trust


Volunteers assisted the Essex Wildlife Trust at Thorndon Country Park. Invasive plants were removed and debris left from felling trees and shrubs from the forest was cleared to improve and sustain wildlife habitat and improve biodiversity in the forest. Ford employees also worked on projects to re-grow new coastal marsh areas on the Essex coast, aiming to show how wildlife can flourish alongside profitable farming.

Hornchurch Country Park


At Hornchurch Country Park, Ford employees worked on a variety of tasks in marshes, containing the largest freshwater reed bed in London. The tasks included pulling invasive Himalayan Balsam from along the banks of the River Ingrebourne and removing litter brought in by high rainfall.

Business in the Community


Employees participated in the Business Class program, an initiative run by the charity Business in the Community to get businesses working in long-term partnerships with local schools. Ford volunteers teamed up with the Robert Clack School to help kids.

Asia Pacific Africa


9 Global Week of Caring Projects

9 Global Week of Caring Projects

Melbourne, Victoria, and Geelong

The Ford Volunteer Corps worked on nine different projects during Ford’s Global Week of Caring, including painting, planting and landscaping at nonprofit facilities and public parks.


Kurihara Sithor Primary School

Phnom Penh

At the Kurihara Sithor Primary School in Phnom Penh, 200 RMA-Cambodia volunteers built 40 meters of cement school fence; built a 2.5m x 2.5m garden to surround the statue of Sing Cheyvorahman VII; planted 100 tropical trees and flowers; donated study materials to 100 poor schoolchildren; and cleaned up the school campus, assisted by the schoolchildren.


Shanghai Social Innovation Center and Migrant Children's School

Shanghai Social Innovation Center and Migrant Children’s School


Through a two-day program at the Shanghai Social Innovation Center in Puxi, 120 volunteers created art with the mentally challenged youth in the program. In a separate project, 60 Shanghai Information Tower volunteers visited the Migrant Children’s School in Baoshan and presented a program on the environment. Also, Ford Shanghai Information Tower employee volunteers traveled in three commercial buses to the East Beach near Shanghai and picked up litter and conducted a general cleanup of the landscape.

Water Projects, Charity Drive, Trash Cleanup


In arid southwest China, as part of their Sustainable Water Series, 60 Nanjing employees teamed up with the Amity Foundation and helped eight families build individual water cellars to capture water in the rainy season for use during the dry season. Also, a one-day activity was organized to raise awareness of water conservation and demonstrate Ford’s focus on sustainable development. Ford employees also held a charity drive for an orphanage in rural Northern Jiangsu; a representative group of staff visited the orphanage with the proceeds of the drive. And, employees helped maintain the Purple Mountain natural area by picking up trash.


19 Volunteer Projects


In Chennai, Ford volunteers participated in 19 projects, including bringing educational and awareness-raising programming on environmental sustainability, nutrition and other topics to local schools; conducting collection and donation drives for local orphanages, schools and other children’s charities; and assisting with health screenings and health education programs.

Sanitation Projects and Eye-Care Screenings


In Kancheepuram, Ford employees helped to install sanitation and water purification treatment facilities at seven villages around Ford India Limited. Also, employees assisted with eye-care screenings in seven villages.

Doctors’ Visits

Kalrayan Hills

Ford volunteers coordinated visits by a pediatrician and a gynecologist to residents of four villages.


Clean Water System

Clean Water System

Tangerang, Greater Jakarta

More than 60 Ford Motor Indonesia employees worked with the poor residents of Rawa Burung in Tangerang to build a clean water shelter and install a machine that processes salt water into clean, fresh, potable water. The new system, a Water for Humanity project, now provides water to 5,000 area residents.


Gazelle Valley

Gazelle Valley


Ford’s country manager and volunteers from Ford’s Public Relations agency, Triwaks, worked on a project in the Gazelle Valley, a unique wildlife refuge in the middle of Jerusalem and part of the Society for the Protection of Nature in Israel.


6 Volunteer Projects

6 Volunteer Projects


Ford employees in Hiroshima participated in six projects, including beautifying the Peace Park, maintaining the cherry blossoms at the Haji Dan Park, and learning lifesaving CPR from the Hiroshima Red Cross.

Eco-Cap Committee


Ford employees collected plastic bottle caps for the Eco-Cap Committee program in Japan, where 800 caps will purchase polio vaccine for one person.


Rehabilitation of Local Schools


Ford volunteers in Madagascar collected funds for and helped with rehabilitation projects in local schools.


Blood Drive

Blood Drive


Ford volunteers in Malaysia held a blood donation drive as part of the Company’s seventh annual Ford Global Week of Caring. The Malaysia initiative aimed to help boost the country’s blood-bank levels, which remain low compared to many nations. Close to 100 employee volunteers took part.


Free Clinics

Jose Rizal Gawad Kalinga Village

Ford volunteers coordinated a free medical, dental and minor surgery clinic in the Jose Rizal Gawad Kalinga Village and continued their monthly feeding program for 120 underweight children at SIBOL Elementary School. The clinics served 102 people with medical issues, and 79 people received dental care. Ford volunteers also helped construct water-collection stations for 250 families living in the Jose Rizal Gawad Kalinga Village. As a result of this project, these families now have four new deep-well units that replaced five nonfunctioning units.


Walk for Health


Employees from the CNMI Joeten Motor Company, Inc. dealership encouraged the entire community to join them in the “Fresh Air – Friendships – Feel the Difference Walk for Health.” The goal was to help promote healthful lifestyles and demonstrate how health walks are a cost-effective way to improve the nation’s health.

South Africa

Multiple Volunteer Projects

Multiple Volunteer Projects

Port Elizabeth

Multiple projects were completed by volunteers from Ford’s Struandale Engine Plant, Silverton Vehicle Assembly Plant, Plant 4, Ford Motor Credit SA, Marketing & Sales, Purchasing & STA Department, Product Development, and the Silverton HR team in South Africa. They included working with severely physically and emotionally disabled and orphaned children, abused women and children, and the environment. The nongovernmental organizations benefited by these projects included: Chrysalis Preschool, Little Strivers, Funduzela Children’s Home Laphumilanga HIV/AIDS Orphanage Centre, Each One-Reach One, Unica School for Autism, Sinoville Crisis Centre, Leamogetswe Safe Home, and Friends of the Moreleta.

Multiple Volunteer Projects

Multiple Volunteer Projects


Ford employees assisted with multiple projects in Pretoria. For example, they helped to install a 200-liter solar system at a shelter in Pretoria that cares for orphaned and abandoned children who have AIDS. Ford employees also gave time and supplies to the Circle of Life, a nonprofit organization serving orphans and the elderly. Projects included building and ground maintenance and enhancements, and educational programs. Ford volunteers also donated supplies and assisted with building maintenance, and provided educational programs at Leamogetswe Safety Home. Ford volunteers also cleaned up debris and invasive species at the Moreleta Spruit (river/wetland) that starts and ends in Pretoria. Ford employees also funded and assembled crisis kits that will be given to victims of sexual abuse, and distributed them to area police stations by the Sinoville Crisis Centre. Personal care and hygiene items, basic clothing, and toys for children were included in the kits made for both children and adults.

Orphanage Donations and Maintenance

Orphanage Donations and Maintenance


Ford employees donated food, clothes, toys and other supplies and performed building maintenance at several orphanages in the area.


Foundation of Spinal Cord Injury

Foundation of Spinal Cord Injury

Taoyuan and Chungli

Ford Lio Ho volunteers donated time to the Foundation of Spinal Cord Injury (SCSRC). Approximately 200 employees assisted with the event. Activities included conducting a book sale and fundraiser for the SCSRC; helping the physically challenged during the wheelchair handcar race sponsored by the SCSRC; and completing necessary maintenance work at the center.


Habitat for Humanity

Habitat for Humanity


Ford volunteers, working with Habitat for Humanity Thailand, built 500-liter water tanks, water cooling systems including pumps, pipes, etc., and buildings to house the systems. The communities – Tasit, Pluakdaeng, Lahan and Nong Sue Chang – are located far from water-supply facilities, and needed water tanks to reserve natural water for using and drinking.


Rice with Meat

“Rice with Meat”

Hai Duong

A mini-charity fair was held in the Ford Hai Duong Plant to raise funds for the poor children living in the mountainous area. The funds collected were donated to the “Rice with Meat” program.

Ford Motor Company has a long legacy of compassion. More than 100 years after the Company began, we continue to touch lives. Our Company’s commitment to supporting local communities through charitable contributions and volunteer efforts has remained unwavering. We deliver on our commitments through our Company’s community relations arm, formally known as Ford Motor Company Fund and Community Services. (The Ford Foundation, meanwhile, is a separate entity from the Ford Motor Company. No member of the Ford family nor Ford Motor Company management is on the Ford Foundation Board of Trustees.)

Founded as a not-for-profit organization in 1949, Ford Motor Company Fund and Community Services is responsible for the Company’s philanthropy and volunteer efforts. Made possible by contributions from Ford Motor Company, the organization makes donations to qualified U.S. not-for-profit organizations that promote community enrichment in the communities in which Ford does business. It supports organizations in three strategic areas: driver safety, education and community life.

In addition to donations from the Fund, Ford also makes direct corporate contributions to a variety of charitable organizations and causes.

In 2012, Ford contributed a total of nearly $30.1 million (slightly above our total in 2011). Of that amount, $21.6 million was in the form of grants awarded by the Fund; the remainder was direct corporate giving.

In addition to grants, we encourage our employees to participate in programs that build stronger communities through the Ford Volunteer Corps. During 2012, some 25,000 Ford employees and retirees in 48 countries and 16 states provided more than 115,000 hours of work on more than 1,350 community service projects – the equivalent of just under $3 million of in-kind corporate contributions. Many of these volunteer projects received mini-grants to help complete the project.

Our community relations work extends to our areas of international operation. Employees from Ford of Mexico, for example, have been working for many years on a program to improve education in rural areas throughout the country. Since the program began in 1966, a total of 212 elementary schools have been built, allowing around 150,000 children to attend daily. Over the years, more than 1.6 million students have graduated from the 212 Ford Schools. Through this program, Ford of Mexico’s employees have also sponsored other initiatives such as the Annual Congress for Principals and Teachers, the National Sports Tournament for students at Ford Schools, and the Media Rooms Project, which is intended to close the technological gap and allow Ford School students access to state-of-the-art educational tools through the Internet.

Beginning in 2011, we engaged Ford employee teams in India and China to identify urgent, unmet community needs in our plant communities in those countries. In 2012 we began to implement strategies for addressing the needs identified by these teams. In China, for example, we are building the capacity of 100 grassroots sustainability/environmental nongovernmental organizations in an effort to help them become more efficient and sustainable. In India, we are working on a range of basic issues in rural communities, including water, education and economic development. We will continue to expand our engagement beyond the Asia Pacific and Africa region in future years, with the goal of creating a ONE Ford approach to corporate social responsibility in Ford communities around the globe.

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Ford’s 2012/13 Sustainability Report is summarized in this 8-page downloadable document.

Visit our Downloads page for this report in full or as separate sections along with supplementary publications.