Career Paths
People & CareersInformation Technology
One Team
At Ford Motor Company, our Information Technology team enables our manufacturing facilities to receive parts just-in-time, customers to check the status of their vehicles online, and empowers employees to facilitate the sale of millions of vehicles.
One Plan
Our plan is simple -- we are committed to working together to apply information technology and process re-engineering techniques to the Company and trace the critical path through our complex business.
One Goal
IT has a renewed focus on leveraging technology for the benefit of Ford and its consumers. Critical to Ford’s success is the transformation of Ford’s IT capabilities into an in-house knowledge base from which to build the company’s strength.
Welcome to the IT Team
In our world today, new technologies are developing faster than ever before in our history. What could be more exciting than to be a part of designing a world-changing innovation as a key member our IT team. You may find yourself:
- Researching and implementing Google Enterprise Search to make Ford's 300 million internal documents easily accessible
- Creating iPhone-compatible designs for Ford customer websites
- Managing the deployment of new CAD/CAE software to design studios across the world
- Deploying Ford’s first web service application to monitor manufacturing facilities productivity, machine maintenance and quality
- Implementing virtual machines on servers to reduce the number of global corporate data centers
- Developing new features for Ford and Microsoft's cutting edge in-vehicle technology, SYNC
How are we organized?
- Application Development
- IT Security & Strategy
- Global Information Technology Operations
- Americas IT Business Operations and Enterprise Programs
- Global Product Creation Systems
- Ford Motor Credit Company IT Operations
- Ford of Europe IT Business Operations
- Asia Pacific and Africa IT Operations
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Ford Motor Company Lincoln Motor Company
Ford Motor Company Lincoln Motor Company
Ford Motor Company
Ford Motor Company Lincoln Motor Company