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Career Academy Innovation Community

By focusing on communities, and not on individual schools or districts, we believe the power of business, civic and educational leaders can be harnessed toward the shared objectives of workforce and economic development.

Preparing Students for Success

To help students succeed while meeting the needs of their communities, we developed the Ford Career Academy Innovation Community (Ford CAIC) recognition program.

The Ford CAIC recognition program helps communities increase the number of students learning in successful career academies. It also provides ongoing technical assistance and other benefits to help sustain successful career academy networks after they are established.

Harnessing the Strengths of Business and Education

Businesses want to support education but don't always understand how their resources can be best used. Often, businesses choose to fund well-intentioned options that aren't relevant to the needs of the students. On the other hand, many in education would like to engage with businesses but often don't know how to ask for the type of support that'll make a real difference.

The process of building a Ford CAIC brings business and educators together by creating career academies.

Creating Safe, Supportive Learning Environments

Career academies are small learning communities that draw on career themes to bring real-world relevance to academic instruction. When successfully implemented, career academies improve attendance, graduation rates, transition to postsecondary education and financial success after high school and college.

Career academies share three critical components:

  • Small, safe and supportive learning environments that are personalized and inclusive of all students
  • A challenging, rigorous and relevant curriculum that prepares students for college, careers and productive citizenship
  • Collaborative partnerships among educators, parents, businesses and other community resources that broaden learning opportunities

So far, we've announced the selection of several Ford CAICs and have plans to work with like-minded funders to create more career academies.