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Frequently Asked Questions

Top Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if I have a recall on my vehicle?

A recall is a determination by the Company that some action is needed to correct a vehicle defect related to safety, emissions, or other regulatory requirements.

If your vehicle is affected, it may require you to return to your Ford or Lincoln Mercury Dealer for service. If your vehicle is not affected, it may be because it was built at a different time or uses a different part than the affected vehicle.

To check if there is an open recall on your vehicle - enter your Vehicle More

What is Sync?

SYNC is an in-vehicle communications and entertainment system that enables you to operate your mobile phone and portable media player hands-free using simple voice commands.

Click here to find out more!!

More information about Sync

How do I contact Ford Credit?

Ford Credit is an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Ford Motor Company. Since 1959, Ford Credit has put more than 50 million people behind the wheels of great Ford, Lincoln, and Mercury vehicles.

For automobiles not financed with Ford Motor Credit, please contact the bank which provided the financing.

Customers trying to return lease vehicles when dealership is no longer in business, should contact Ford credit.

Please contact the Customer Service Center via e-mail or call 1-800-727-7000 More

How do I find a Ford, Lincoln or Mercury Dealer in my neighborhood?

It is recommended that you visit your selling or servicing dealership. If this is not an option, you may visit any Ford, Lincoln, or Mercury dealership for assistance.

Use the Dealership Locator website to find the Ford, Lincoln, or Mercury Dealer nearest your home. Once you have accessed the website, type in your zip code or city and state in the required fields and click Find a Dealer .

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