About Ford Volunteer Corps

For over 100 years, we’ve been working to help the communities where we live and work. Through financial contributions and hands-on volunteerism, we’ve supported projects that help children, adults and families in need.

Ford volunteers participating in community-
building efforts that include disaster relief,
educational initiatives and fundraisers.

Ford Volunteer Corps—Making the World a Better Place

At Ford Motor Company, we consider corporate responsibility a key part of doing business. We strive to be a company that makes a difference in people’s lives—one that inspires our employees, delights our customers, rewards our shareholders and makes the world a better place.

Our dedication, goodwill and individual efforts to improve our communities can easily be seen through the activities of the Ford Volunteer Corps (FVC). Bill Ford created FVC in 2005 to respond to the Indian Ocean tsunami and subsequent disasters in the United States and abroad. In its first full year of existence, more than 100,000 employees and 100,000 retirees participated in FVC projects around the world.

Today, FVC recruits Ford employees and Ford retirees to support disaster relief and initiatives to help build stronger communities.

Corporate Salaried Volunteer Program

We encourage salaried employees to take two workdays per year to volunteer at an approved nonprofit organization. In 2006, nearly 30,000 Corporate Salaried Volunteer Program participants donated nearly 80,000 volunteer hours on a wide variety of projects, including building Habitat for Humanity homes, painting orphanages, organizing medical and dental clinics, raising funds for charities and mentoring.

Global Week of Caring

We created Global Week of Caring to connect our employees around the world through volunteerism. During Global Week of Caring 2007, held September 3-11, more than 13,972 employees from 6 continents worked on 210 projects. Global Week of Caring projects have included recording readings for the blind, conducting clothing drives for disadvantaged women returning to work, helping raise money to provide insecticide-treated bed nets to combat malaria, collecting food items for donations to local food banks, helping senior citizens with meals, donating items, and organizing parasite, dental and medical examinations for those in need.

To learn more, visit the Ford Global Week of Caring website.

Lunch Buddies

Facilitated by Big Brothers Big Sisters, Ford volunteers experience the magic of mentoring as they spend the lunch hour with student “buddies” once a week. From helping with homework to group discussions about life, the Lunch Buddies program enriches the lives of both mentor and student.

Volunteer of the Month

We recognize extraordinary employees and retirees for their efforts. Recipients have included volunteers who cared for 22 foster children in Texas, created meals for homebound cancer and AIDS patients in New York, led a massive effort to combat leukemia and lymphoma in Canada and helped various nonprofits to care for people in need.

More Information

To learn more, visit the Ford Volunteer Corps website.