Ford Volunteer Corps

Students Inspired by Rouge Tour

Math and science come alive to students touring the Rouge.


Habitat For Humanity

We're helping build homes and communities.

Global Week of Caring

Nearly 14,000 employees gave back to their communities during the 2007 Global Week of Caring.

About Ford Volunteer Corps

We're more than just working in our communities. We're giving back.

Disaster Preparedness

Our volunteers are prepared to lend a hand in the event of a disaster.

Corporate Salaried Volunteer Program

We encourage our salaried employees to spend 16 hours a year helping to build great communities.

Lunch Buddies

Ford employees mentor middle school students over lunch.

FIRST Robotics

Ford volunteers spark students' interest in science and technology.

Mentoring Students in Detroit

Sharing their talents with students, Ford volunteers develop a computer-skills course.

Fostering Dialogue

Ford volunteers engage teens in conversations about career choices.