A Leadership Program for Latino Political Involvement

Political and community participation is important for the development of the next generation of Latino leaders. To encourage Latino involvement in community and political matters, we provide support to the leadership programs of the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute (USHLI).

Political and Community Leadership Development

USHLI works to promote democracy and political involvement among Latinos and minorities. To help enable the USHLI's mission, we support three key community and political leadership development programs:

  • The Collegiate Leadership Development Program is an interactive six-week program with 20 to 25 university students per session. The program prepares college students and staff to function as leaders and to work with professionals in the private and public sectors.
  • The Grassroots Leadership Development Program is a 10-week program for community and political leaders that provides information about how city, county and school governments work. The program also provides financial literacy training to the participants.
  • The Candidate Training and Campaign Management School is designed to develop political leadership. The program consists of a 21-hour seminar that teaches participants how to launch themselves as political candidates.

The support we provide to these three programs helps Latinos succeed in the community and in politics. Through this type of support, the Latino community will be able to develop its next generation of leaders.

More Information

Visit the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute website for more information.