Summer Exploratory Camp

We sponsor the Women in Automotive Design Scholarship to encourage women to explore a career in automotive design. Winners of this merit-based scholarship are invited to attend the pre-college Summer Exploratory Camp at the College for Creative Studies (CCS) in Detroit.

Summer Exploratory Camp

The intensive, two-week Automotive Design track at the Summer Exploratory Camp allows high-school sophomores, juniors and seniors from across the country to strengthen their portfolios while studing with other young artists who share their interests.

Group critiques and individual reviews with CCS faculty are important elements of the Summer Exploratory Camp experience. In addition, accomplished artists, such as Ford's executive design director, Peter Horbury, and Ford's group chief designer for color and trim (and CCS alumna), Susan Lampinen, address the students and offer them inspiration and advice about their future careers.

Students enrolled in the Summer Exploratory Camp live on the CCS campus and experience life at a college of art and design. Besides classroom learning, students also attend cultural and recreation events in Detroit's Cultural Center neighborhood.

Students earn one college credit for successful completion of the Summer Exploratory Camp curriculum.

More Information

For more information about the Summer Exploratory Camp, visit the College for Creative Studies website.