Greener Manufacturing

A Greener Way to Paint Vehicles

Our new paint technology reduces greenhouse gases by 15 percent.


Green is the New Black

Our designers are finding ways to incorporate sustainable materials into vehicle interiors.


Paint fumes are turned into clean electricity in our "paint shop of the future."

Ford Dagenham's Eco-Efficient Vision Pays Off

Producing diesel engines at our wind-powered Dagenham plant is saving 6,500 tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) from entering the atmosphere and diverting over 12,600 tons from being sent to a landfill.

Cleaner Manufacturing

By harnessing innovative technologies, we're building cleaner manufacturing facilities.

Conserving Water to Reduce Our Impact

Water scarcity is an increasingly significant issue in many regions of the world, including the U.S., and our reduction efforts are ahead of the curve.