
We're committed to developing cleaner, more efficient manufacturing technologies and processes. The Fumes-to-Fuel technology installed at our Michigan Truck Plant is one example of implementation of a technology that's environmentally friendly as well as cost-effective.

Lessening Our Impact

A plant's painting operations are its largest source of air emissions, so developing technology to harness paint fumes for energy generation is a huge step forward in lessening the environmental impact of our manufacturing plants.

After successfully testing our patented Fumes-to-Fuel technology at the Michigan Truck Plant in Wayne, Michigan, we decided to install the technology in the plant to capture paint emissions and help power the plant with clean electricity.

Cost-Effective Technology

In the past, a plant's paint fumes had to be collected and incinerated, which was an expensive process. With Fumes-to-Fuel technology, which was co-developed with Detroit Edison, paint fumes, which contain air and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), are captured and sent through a two-stage system. In the first stage, a concentrator turns the VOC exhaust stream into a rich mixture of hydrocarbons. During the second stage, the gas is fed into a combustion engine, which uses it to generate electricity for the plant.

In addition to generating clean energy, reducing carbon dioxide emissions and offering a cost savings to the plant, this technology supports future migration to fuel cell technology as fuel cells become more affordable.


In 2004 we received a Clean Air Award from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for our innovative Fumes-to-Fuel process.