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Ford Sustainability Report 2006/7


This is the eighth formal nonfinancial report of Ford Motor Company. Our vision for our sustainability reporting is that it is the basis of organizational learning. It demonstrates our values, and both reflects and drives outstanding economic, environmental and social performance.

In all of our reports, we have tried to focus on Ford's most important sustainability issues and those of most interest to report users and our stakeholders. For our 2004/5 report, we formalized this approach by conducting a structured analysis to identify our most material sustainability issues. For this report we conducted a second materiality analysis, improved in several ways. The issues that rated highest in potential impact on the Company and concern to stakeholders are covered in a 40-page print report.

All of the print report content, plus comprehensive information on a range of other significant issues, is included in this full Web report, which is organized by Ford's Business Principles. The Business Principles guide our conduct and day-to-day decision-making in major areas of sustainability performance. Our most material issues are covered in the Business Principles performance sections and identified as "key issues."

The materiality analysis conducted for this report, and a draft of the report itself, were reviewed by a Ceres stakeholder committee that included representatives of environmental NGOs and socially responsible investors.

We see reporting as an ongoing, evolving process, not an annual exercise. Our sustainability reports are supplemented by communications tailored to different audiences. These include an internal sustainability Web site that links Ford's Sustainability Learning Community and additional publications such as our stand-alone climate change report.

We expect our reporting to evolve further and invite your feedback on this report, and our approach to reporting, at

In this section

This section of our Web report includes our CEO's perspective on sustainability at Ford, information about our Company, a summary of 2006 performance data, our perspective on assurance and a statement from the Ceres stakeholder committee. You can explore our actions and performance trends in the areas covered by our Business Principles using the navigation above.

The Fine Print

This report covers the year 2006 and early 2007. It is aligned with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) G3 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines released in October 2006, at an application level of A+. A complete index of GRI indicators is available. More information on the Global Reporting Initiative and the application levels is available at

The data, which are primarily for 2006 (for operations) and for the 2006 and 2007 model years (for vehicles), can be found in each of the performance sections. The data cover all of Ford Motor Company's wholly and majority-owned operations globally, unless otherwise noted. Changes in the basis for reporting or reclassifications of data previously reported are noted in the data charts.