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Ford Sustainability Report 2006/7
For a more sustainable future: Connecting with society

"Welcome to our 2006/7 Sustainability Report. These are challenging times, not only for our Company but for our planet and its inhabitants. The markets for our products are changing rapidly, and there is fierce competition everywhere we operate. Collectively, we face daunting global sustainability challenges, including climate change, depletion of natural resources, poverty, population growth, urbanization and congestion."

Alan Mulally, President and CEO
Bill Ford, Executive Chairman


Our industry, the business environment and societal expectations continue to evolve, and so does our reporting. Learn about our Company and our vision for sustainability.


Our Impacts

As a major multinational enterprise, our activities have far-reaching impacts on environmental, social and economic systems. Read about our analysis and prioritization of these issues and impacts.

Our Impacts


Nine people from inside and outside Ford provide their perspectives on key challenges facing our industry and how Ford is responding, including "new mobility," good practices in the supply chain and the auto industry's economic impact.
