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Ford Sustainability Report 2006/7

About This Principle

We will be honest and open and model the highest standards of corporate integrity.

Fast facts

A new position of Senior Vice President, Sustainability, Environment and Safety Engineering reports directly to Ford's CEO.

We will achieve this by:

  • Being responsive to stakeholders' concerns on the impact of our operations, products and services through public disclosure and regular reporting
  • Making accurate and forthright statements, competing ethically, avoiding conflicts of interest and having zero tolerance for the offer, payment, solicitation or acceptance of bribes

Progress Since Our Last Report

In 2006, Ford took a number of steps to further embed accountability within the Company and strengthen how we manage sustainability issues and integrate them into our business. Highlights include the following:

  • We updated our Code of Basic Working Conditions and, in 2007, the revised Code was approved and formally designated a corporate policy.
  • We continued our efforts to improve the utility, thoroughness and credibility of our sustainability reporting, including working with a stakeholder advisory committee to help shape and provide feedback on this 2006/7 sustainability report. This report is also aligned with the G3 guidelines at a self-declared application level of A+. (See for more information on GRI and application levels.)
  • In April 2007, we created a new position of Senior Vice President, Sustainability, Environment and Safety Engineering, who reports directly to Ford's CEO and is responsible for setting strategy, establishing goals and integrating sustainability throughout the Company.
  • Ford's CEO and leadership team instituted weekly Business Plan Review meetings as a key process to manage operations. Ford's Senior Vice President of Sustainability, Environment and Safety Engineering takes part in those meetings, with the purpose of keeping sustainability at the top of the Company's agenda.
  • The Sustainable Business Strategies office provided formal input into Ford's strategic review process.
  • We established a Sustainable Mobility Group, a senior-level team working to define our climate change strategy and delivering our sustainability strategy in the marketplace.
  • We strengthened our Corporate Directives process so that all Directives, like Policy Letters, are now signed by the Company's CEO. In the past, Directives could be signed by a Company Officer. All new Policy Letters and Directives must be agreed to by the Company's top vice presidents before getting CEO approval.