To help protect our employees and stakeholders from the devastating effects HIV/AIDS could have on our company, we’ve joined with communities to expand access to education and antiretroviral drugs. In addition, we released an in-depth report to help us examine the issue more closely.

Ford HIV/AIDS Report
In order to address the global HIV/AIDS epidemic and its impact on our economy, corporation and employees, in 2004 we became the first automaker in the world to release a detailed report under terms of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
GRI is a multi-stakeholder process and independent institution whose mission is to develop and disseminate globally applicable Sustainability Reporting Guidelines.
The Ford HIV/AIDS report evaluates the company's program using the 16 GRI indices, including risk management, contingency planning, performance, prevalence and incidence rates, current and future costs and losses and stakeholder involvement.
HIV/AIDS Report Findings
The Ford HIV/AIDS report found that HIV/AIDS has not had a detectable economic impact on the company overall, due in part to our proactive approach. This approach to addressing the HIV/AIDS pandemic is consistent with our approach to other health issues. Throughout our history, we’ve always taken a leadership role in pioneering health and safety initiatives for our workforce and for the communities in which we operate.
Expanding Programs to Fight HIV/AIDS
In addition to releasing the Ford HIV/AIDS report, we are also expanding our HIV/AIDS program to some of the most high-risk regions of the world.
We joined the fight against HIV/AIDS in 1999, when we launched our first educational program at the Ford assembly facility in Pretoria, South Africa.
Our efforts in South Africa provided the company with a blueprint that includes confidential HIV/AIDS testing, education and counseling; easier access to antiretroviral drugs; adopting culturally sensitive practices; working with suppliers on similar programs; and annually reporting on our progress. We are initiating these services at our facilities in high-priority locations, including China, India, Russia and Thailand, beginning with basic employee education.