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Sustainable Technologies and Alternative Fuels Plan

Our Sustainable Technologies and Alternative Fuels Plan details the near-, mid- and long-term steps we are taking to develop and deploy vehicle and fuel technologies to implement our blueprint for sustainability and meet our CO2 reduction goal. Our plan includes steps to improve the fuel economy of traditional gas engines and a strategy to implement alternative fuels and powertrain technologies.

Improving Fuel Economy

This section outlines our plans for improving the fuel economy of traditional gas and diesel engines. These actions include implementing advanced engine and transmission technologies, weight reductions and aerodynamics improvements, as well as increasing the efficiency of vehicle sub-systems.

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/ford/02-28-2010/Improving Fuel Economy

Migration to Alternative Fuels and Powertrains

Our plans for migrating to alternative fuels and powertrains include implementing vehicles that run on renewable biofuels, increasing advanced clean diesel technologies, increasing our hybrid vehicle applications and introducing battery electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids. We are also working to advance hydrogen internal-combustion engine and hydrogen fuel cell vehicle technologies.

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/ford/02-28-2010/Migration to Alternative Fuels and Powertrains