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Life-Cycle Vehicle CO2 Emissions

Life-cycle assessment tracks emissions generated and materials consumed for a product system over its entire life-cycle, from cradle to grave, including material production, product manufacture, product use, product maintenance and disposal at end of life. For vehicles, this includes the environmental burdens associated with making materials (e.g., steel, aluminum, brass, copper, plastics, etc.), fabricating them into parts, assembling the parts into a vehicle, operating the vehicle over its entire lifetime, producing fuel for the vehicle, maintaining the vehicle and finally disposing of the vehicle at the end of its life. Life-cycle assessment is an essential tool when thinking about the environmental impacts of complex systems.

The table below details the results of a life-cycle analysis for a representative midsize car and SUV in the United States. At present, life-cycle CO2 emissions from vehicles are dominated by CO2 released during fuel consumption. Product disposal has a minor impact on airborne emissions and energy consumption relative to other phases of the product system. As vehicle fuel efficiency improves and lower carbon fuels are made available, the relative contributions of fossil CO2 emissions from the fuel consumption phase will probably decrease.

Many assumptions were required to generate this analysis, several of which we have little or no control over. Therefore, we do not expect to use the estimate as an ongoing performance measure. The analysis did, however, enable us to gain a better perspective of life-cycle emissions and hence understand the opportunities for reducing emissions.

  Midsize car Midsize SUV
  Tonnes of CO2 % of total Tonnes of CO2 % of total
Total life-cycle 62.2 100% 82.5 100%
Raw material production (steel, aluminum, plastics, ...) 3.5 5.6% 4.3 5.2%
Manufacturing/assembly 2.6 4.2% 2.6 3.2%
Ford manufacturing logistics 0.3 0.5% 0.3 0.4%
Fuel (120,000 miles [192,000 km]) [well to wheels] 55.1 88.6% 74.6 90.4%
Maintenance and repair 0.6 1.0% 0.6 0.7%
End of life/recycling 0.1 0.2% 0.1 0.1%