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Climate Change-Related Commitments and Progress

Commitment1 Target Progress
Ford U.S. and EU new products Reduce CO2 emissions by 30 percent by 2020, relative to a 2006 model year baseline /ford/02-28-2010/On Track
Australian Industry-wide National Average CO2 Emissions (NACE), previously known as National Average Fuel Consumption (NAFC) (industry) Voluntary target to achieve national average CO2 emissions of 222 g/km for light vehicles under 3.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass by 2010. Requires an overall reduction in average CO2 emissions of 12% between 2002 and 2010 /ford/02-28-2010/On Track
Canadian Greenhouse Gas Memorandum of Understanding (industry) Industry-wide voluntary agreement to reduce GHGs from the Canadian car and truck fleet by 5.3 megatonnes by 2010 compared to projected emissions /ford/02-28-2010/On Track
Global manufacturing energy efficiency (Ford) Improve energy efficiency by 9% between 2006 and 2009, following an improvement of 22% from 2000 to 2006 /ford/02-28-2010/Achieved
UK Emissions Trading Scheme (Ford) UK operations to achieve a 5% absolute reduction target over the 2002–2006 timeframe based on an average 1998–2000 baseline. Program concluded in 2007 /ford/02-28-2010/Achieved
EU Emission Trading Scheme (Ford) Ensure compliance with European Union CO2 Emission Trading Scheme requirements annually, including third-party verification /ford/02-28-2010/Achieved
Chicago Climate Exchange (Ford) Reduce North American facility emissions by 6% between 2000 and 2010 as verified by third-party auditors /ford/02-28-2010/On Track
Alliance of Automotive Manufacturers (industry) Reduce U.S. facility GHG emissions by 10% per vehicle produced between 2002 and 2012 /ford/02-28-2010/On Track
Voluntary GHG Reporting (Ford) Voluntarily report facility CO2 emissions to national emissions registries in Australia, Canada, Mexico, the Philippines and the United States /ford/02-28-2010/Achieved
  • KEY
    • /ford/02-28-2010/AchievedACHIEVED
    • /ford/02-28-2010/On TrackON TRACK
  1. The performance of Ford brands in Europe against the 1995 baseline for the voluntary European Automobile Manufacturers Association CO2 commitment is shown in the data overview. The agreement was supplanted in late 2008 by new legislative initiatives discussed in the Climate Change Policy section.